Thank you for your support

CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
Hi sorry it's a new thread,I want to thank you first for support, mum's been chatting with him,she thinks she's got to the root of the cause,it's the past  what that animal did to him as a child,when it's to much to take & is very vivid in his mind that's when,the s harming occurs.hes very distraught at the moment,so I've called the GP for a home visit,be anytime before I understand better thanks to mum, I'd love to have one wish come true,the torment of the past to stop for him.but power's to be have all said it will be with him till the day he thing that animal did was give CARL58 a life sentence,& i hope he rots in hell not CARL58 jen


  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Thank you for updating us Jen, I am sorry to hear this, this must be quite difficult him, your mum and yourself. Please keep us updated on how it goes with his GP and I hope it goes well.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @Antonia_Scope hi I'm so glad I spoke to the pharmacist about his prescription for zopiclone & how GP said to use it,no no pharmacist is going to RIng GP, & get a prescription sent over,for something more suitable,maybe later today or tomorrow morning.when it will ready jen
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi Jen, that's good to hear. I hope you're all doing a bit better today?
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    edited May 2019
    @Antonia_Scope hi I'm better thank you ,for having a good night's sleep,mum stopped with CARL58 last night.he was quiet till about 3am,then flashbacks started  she tried everything she knows to ground him It went on & on.she managed to note thing's down.she did mention it was sickening  hearing him go through it mum calls his parent a beast,in all her yrs as a senior nurse, she's never witnessed so cruelty,& she said he goes back to that little boy he once was,[edited by moderator] mum has said it's been left to fester far to long,but her heart goes out to CARL58 jen
  • Antonia_Alumni
    Antonia_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 1,764 Pioneering
    Hi Jen, good to hear you're feeling better. Sorry we had to edit your comment, I understand how your mum feels but we need to keep the community safe. I am sorry to hear this, we are all sending well wishes to you all.
  • CARL58
    CARL58 Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    @Antonia_Scope sorry about that I realised after I posted it.& Couldn't work out how to edit myself or delete it &  the time,had text they've received pip form,I suppose it's awaiting game now, CARL58 hasn't mentioned it at all,so he's most probably forgotten which is good really,as it was causing him to much stress & wasn't helping Jen.