Preparation Days for Disabled and Dyslexic Students @ University of Greenwich

melaniethorley Online Community Member Posts: 138 Empowering

Good afternoon and I hope you are all well. We have two preparation days for disabled and dyslexic students in July – One at Medway and one at Greenwich. Whilst these days were created for prospective students, we have decided to open up the events to our current disabled and dyslexic students.


The days are intended to be a small and informal introduction to some of the skills required to do well at university. The preparation days are being held at our Medway campus on July 9th and our Greenwich campus on July 11th 2019.

The following workshops are available at the events (the most popular 4 will be delivered on the day):

  • Free assistive technology.
  • wellbeing@university.
  • STEMM @ university.
  • Know your strengths.
  • Know your learning style.
  • Top tips for disabled students.
  • resilience@university
  • Imposter syndrome@university.



To book a place at either event – please book here:


or you can email me directly:


if you have not joined STAART already:



Dr. Melanie Thorley

*AccessAbility and STAART Lead and disabled student advisor

University of Greenwich


  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    So what support does your university provide for those who have the various types of Auditory Processing Disorders, a listening disability. 
    You claim to be helping those who are dyslexic, well international research has identified the Temporal type of Auditory Processing Disorder as the main underlying cognitive cause of the developmental dyslexia symptom. 
    Hopefully your university will eventually catch up with international research and being providing support for those of us who have the various Auditory Processing Disorders.
    You will probably delete this thread now that I have replied and reposted it again. 

  • melaniethorley
    melaniethorley Online Community Member Posts: 138 Empowering

    We already support students with central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) and our disabled and dyslexic students outperform our non-disabled and non-dyslexic students by 9%.

  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    The "Central" was dropped back in 2000.
    May be you could help those at Southampton University who claim to be researching APD, to explain the 4 different types of Auditory Processing Disorder to BSA audiologists. 
    The Temporal type of Auditory Processing Disorder, the brain having problems processing the gaps between sounds in the main underlying cognitive cause of developmental dyslexia (what the dyslexia industry call a phonological processing deficit), and can be the contributory cause to Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (which Speech and Language are now marketing as Developmental Language Disorder DLD)
    There is also the spatial type of Auditory Processing Disorder, and Amblyaudia  
  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    I think they are aware of those who have problems processing a target sound when there are low levels of background noise as part of their APD issues
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @dolfrog,
    Thanks for contributing and it's great you're helping to raise awareness of APD, but please be mindful of how you speak to members of our community. I understand the nature of APD support in this country is a source of immense frustration to you, but as a community advisor, Melanie volunteers her time here and like all our members, should be treated with civility and respect. 
  • dolfrog
    dolfrog Online Community Member Posts: 439 Trailblazing
    Hi @Adrian_Scope

    The problem is the lack of understanding of developmental dyslexia especially here in the UK. 

    Dyslexia is a man made problem concerning decoding and recoding the visual notation of speech, or the graphic symbols society chooses to represent the sounds of speech.
    Dyslexia is language dependent.
    There are two types of dyslexia. Acquired Dyslexia, also known as Alexia, is caused by brain injury, stroke, atrophy, etc which is concerned with those loosing or have lost the previously acquired skills to decode and recode the visual notation of speech. And Developmental Dyslexia which has a genetic causes. There are three cognitive subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia - Auditory, Visual and Attentional. Which means that an Auditory Processing Disorder, a Visual Processing Disorder, an Attention Deficit / Disorder, or any combination of these issues can cause the Dyslexic Symptom
    So those who are classified as being dyslexic need to identify the underlying cognitive / clinical / medical cause of their dyslexic symptom, so that they can fully understand the nature of their own specific disability, and the limitations it or they impose. And more importantly identify the alternative compensating skills and abilities that they will be best able to access to work around their personal limitations
    The main problem here in the the UK is a lack of medical professionals who are trained and qualified to clinically assess and diagnose the underlying cognitive causes of the dyslexia symptom. Currently is it all about making money out of the vulnerable selling programs etc. and failing to address the real issues, more a dyslexia industry rather then a support network option. 
    You could have a look at my "What is Dyslexia?" Evernote web page, which includes supporting research.