Just had my pip assesment

xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
edited June 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Years ago i was on high rate dla for both it changed to pip and i got high and standard for MOBILITY side..i rang to report a changef and again sent me the long form
I end up swearing on it as i cant focus i have blood clot on my lung.. astma... severe mental health through years of abuse sexual and physical growing up in care..of which i have a huge court case on going.. i have swollen spleen hence on fortysips unexplained epilepsy severe scoliosis of my spine i see chronic disease nurse frequent and under multiskeletol also metal health
The court case for abuse causing alot of pain and stress some mornings i cant get out of bed have 2 ppl that help me i cant shower etc get breathless nor walk distances.. i told them i dont like busy places i get breathless and panic so i went to assesment they said could sit in security mans corner.. was in pain but had my brace on and carer with me she come out said give me 10 min i never have eye contact with strangers..30 min later i had to stop to get my breath went in room anxiety kicked in she seemed horrid at start i have to address your health etc my carer goes i shower her so she turned to donna and goes not asking you.. after while she goes your going through court case can you tell me about this i go which bit being raped from age 6 and social services knowing and still sending me for weekends or 26 counts of failings sge started getting upset i go i just want to feel out of pain and normal some days i dont want to be here..then she asked about my twins passing at birth which killed me to talk about then told her get burning in legs she goes could be another clot please promise you will go hospital and please eat ypu look very pale i got up helped by carer and felt funny lady said sit here for taxi you dont look well... i thought you was horrid at the start and now your being nice.. im worried i wont get both high again even though in so much pain and bad health i appealed once last time and gave up i went on 20th june 2019 fingers crossed anybody had horrid assessor that become nice that a good ir bad sign anybody else gone through simular with assesor and got high in both please xxx


  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @xxameeraxx, hello and welcome. Since it's only last week you had your assessment wait till the end of this week or next week and phone the DWP and request a copy of your assessment report then you can see what your award may should be but you still have to wait for the official notification letter. This will give you a heads up on your maybe award and if not to your liking or expectations then you have several weeks to collect extra evidence ready fo submitting an Mr but these seldom change the award and you are left to take your case to a tribunal hearing which has a 12 month and longer waiting time and is best if you attend in person. 
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Community member Posts: 5,195 Championing
    Hi and welcome

    I am sorry to hear what you have put up with.
    It is impossible to guess the outcome of an assessment, the demeanor of an assessor does not mean a good or bad result.
    As Wilko has advised, phone the DWP and ask for a copy of the report
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    I recieved a text saying the dwp have recieved my report
     Hate all this if only they understood how they make us feel.. i was going to record but was sat in corner away from everybody as dont like busy places was in total pain even though gp upped my pregabalin to 450mg a dayim still feeling back pain neck pain.. got my multiskeletol app in 2 weeks
    Should i get report from them.. sorry my english grammer is rubbish and thank you for being welcoming its been playing on my mind can they ask why going through court case and could i explain i just wanted to co operate i was getting annoyed with all the questions...
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,883 Championing
    If you live in the UK yes you can ring to request a copy of the assessment report to be sent to you. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report. You'll still have to wait for a decision to made. Once you've got the decision if you're not happy then you have 1 month from that date to request the Mandatory Reconsideration and the report can be useful when request this.

    It's very difficult during the assessment when they ask you questions about things that have happened in your past. The reason they do this is so they can have a better understanding of how your conditions affect you.

    Hopefully not too long before a decision is made.

  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Thank you poppy having really low day today health not to good..your advice means alot.. i found it hard but she asked and was honest from start to end i struggle she asked do watch tv etc told her hard focusing for periods there was so much she tried tripping me on told her i go shopping with carer so she goes so did you say you can manage going to corner shop i told her no just felt like was before the demond head mistress xx
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Who do i ring for report please dwp esa or pip sorry to be pain x
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    DWP PIP :)

    Sorry you are feeling low, sending you some hugs.
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Think it gets us like this it the thinking will i get help due to my scoliosis its in back and neck the effects of them trying to trick u like your lieing.. is it normal to cause anxiety she knows about blood clot on lung and astma she even told me go hospital with my legs burning n wheezing incase new clot.. they make it so hard cant thank you all for words of support struggling at the moment xcx
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    It does, I'm going through something with the assessment I had, the report is full of discrepancies and contradictions, I won't go into it fully as I start ranting about it :/ but it has affected my mental and physical health sadly.
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Thinking of you it sickens me how there is some out there who make things up abd pass and us genuine in need get interigated who do we ring for report.. hope everyone stays strong and gets the best outcome x
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,883 Championing
    Very few people claim benefits fraudulently. There are invisible conditions and you can't always tell that someone has a disability by just looking at them.... My daughter looks perfectly normal but she claims Enhanced rate of PIP for both parts. She has ASD, a learning disability and social anxiety disorder.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Hi @xxameeraxx, I'm sorry the process has been so stressful, this is definitely not what you need. I really hope you get the result you want and please do keep us updated on how you get on :)
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Thank you hun will do your all amazing on here cant thank you enough... xx
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,511 Championing
    No problem at all @xxameeraxx
  • Government_needs_reform
    Government_needs_reform Community member Posts: 854 Trailblazing
    @xxameeraxx Sorry to read this, it saddens me as I know what you are, and have been going through (in same boat) I think it's disgusting how they want you to talk all about the past of what happened to you.

    I remember writhing on all my PIP, ESA forms I will never discuss any of this stuff with complete strangers end of. I then just pointed them to speak with my mental health team and with all the other evidence I sent in I was left alone.

    God bless.
  • xxameeraxx
    xxameeraxx Community member Posts: 14 Listener
    Its horrid like you have to relive it all again to tell a stranger... sorry you been through it  to hun got letter from pip saying we have all the information we need to decide if we can award you pip... dont know what means all confusing me xxxx
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,883 Championing
    Its horrid like you have to relive it all again to tell a stranger... sorry you been through it  to hun got letter from pip saying we have all the information we need to decide if we can award you pip... dont know what means all confusing me xxxx
    That will just be a standard letter they send everyone. It doesn't really mean anything other than a decision will be made sometime in approximately 2-8 weeks depending on backlog.