Help with Cerebral Palsy Research

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,699 Cerebral Palsy Network

Scope is putting together some research on cerebral palsy, and we would love to hear from you. We’re setting up phone interviews with members of our Scope Research Panel as part of a wider project to improve Scope’s offering for people with cerebral palsy, with £30 for everyone who takes part as thank you for your time and effort.

At this stage, the project entails a single phone interview with my colleague Maria, who will spend around an hour learning about you and your experiences. Our only criteria is that you have cerebral palsy. You don’t have to divulge anything you don’t want to, and there won’t be any right or wrong answers.

If you’d like to take part, just reply to this email: and give me a rough idea of when you might be free over the next few weeks, as well as a phone number to potentially ring you on the day. Seeing as these are phone interviews, we can accommodate around your schedule. Your feedback could be really helpful in improving Scope’s offering for people with cerebral palsy. If you’ve got any questions or there’s anything else I can help with, just let me know or ring me on 02080364906.  

“This project is related to Scope’s Research Panel, which is a really great way of giving your insight whilst getting some money as a thank you for your time and effort. The research panel is comprised of disabled people and parents/carers of disabled children. If you sign up, Scope’s panel team will contact you to take part in research projects that range from face-to-face focus groups to phone interviews, to quick surveys and polls. Most research we do is paid, in the form of a voucher as a thank you for your time. There are no minimum time requirements; if you don’t want to take part once you’ve signed up you don’t have to! All the research we do is completely confidential and anonymised. If you’re interested, head to or to get some more information, send an email to our panel team at“