They get you every which way

GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering

I've spent most of my working life as an electrician on building sites and as a part-time private hire (taxi) driver.


  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @GettinOlde, hello thank you for a brief history of your working life, what is your question or answer you wish or are expecting to receive.
  • GettinOlde
    GettinOlde Online Community Member Posts: 495 Empowering
    @wilko, I was just being sardonic. The 'Modern Workplace' comment above is a link to someone's FOI request to the DWP for an explanation as to how his WCA assessor found him fit to work in the modern workplace.

  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @ GettinOlde,  that’s a great response, in my own circumstances, farming not workplace or working practices could be arranged or adjustments made to allow me to think of returning to work. I was aware of this six months before the termination of my employment and although I miss the daily challenges that farming can produce I enjoy now watching others struggle todo what I did or had to cope on my own.