
PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
We are having a major issue with 'Suitable' Housing. As it stands we have a '2' Bed bungalow (new build), now according to the council we don't qualify for anything bigger since there is only 3 of us however as our Child has a CP we have a lot of equipment that eats up floor space eg we have a stander, A Cot Bed and a wheelchair, (also a bath chair). the Dietician also recommends us having a proper feeding chair as well to help with our child's posture particularly when feeding (He's Gastro fed). He's 8 years old and at 120cm tall as you can imagine the equipment is getting quite large and will get larger. Our living room is 3.7m by 4.7m for example. (The only reason my Sons room is a bedroom and not a box room is because it has a window). 
The Council insists that they do not take Medical equipment into account they only go by the number of bodies that live in said address. We have had the OT write up a Risk Assessment along with a strong recommendation that somewhere more suitable be found, (its taken 3 years to persuade the Housing Association to agree to put hoists in) and we have a Social Service Case worker essentially putting his hand up and saying that he can recommend but can not force the council to do anything. does anyone have any previous experience similar to this? Any Suggestions?


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @PhilG111 and a warm welcome to the community. I imagine this is a very hard situation to be in, have they seen the OT risk assessment? It may be worth giving Shelter a ring to see what they can suggest. I'm unsure about this one myself, sorry!
  • PhilG111
    PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Thank you Chloe_Scope the OT sends us a copy of just about everything she sends might give shelter a try...
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I hope the OT report helps!
  • mossy
    mossy Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi Phil!

    I'm having a nightmare with housing at the mo. I can't manage as I am an need my best mate to sort of be there all the time due to a brain injury on top of being muscular skeletal disabled. Like your lad, I've got equipment to think of. It doesn't evaporate over night.

    Social workers have dumped me twice, and I'm having to go through Pohwer as an advocate. It could be worth a shot, try this funny spelling in Google.

    Try the advocate service and explain to them you need a bigger place due to your son's growth and subsequent increase of his equipment. Advocates love it when you give them detailed criteria to work to.

    You can make multiple requests to SS for the same matter. They close it, you self-refer until they accept it's a problem and fix it. Don't think you're being a bother. You are trying to make your son comfortable, and you can't do it in the space you currently have. 

    My father is very ill at the moment.Hospital are picking out a room in his house just for the equipment to be stored. If a hospital can demand it, so can you.

    Our housing OT came this week and said the more he puts on the form, the less choice I'll be given for homes. Only half the property will be adapted (even though I'm moving because I need to use my wheelchair and walker inside), and he won't state I need a 2nd bedroom for my friend/carer because 'there are some lovely one beds and horrible two beds'. I think I'm being bamboozled.

    If you go the way of the advocate, they ask to be present at the meeting like for OT assessments and all. I've had one go and bypass the advocates, even though they know they're to deal with them. 

    An important term they ask is 'what makes this person qualified to pass judgement on your case?' 'The Council' can be anyone, even a secretary.

    Sorry this is long, but I hope it gives you hope to keep trying. Sorry if you already know this stuff, and good luck to you and yours.

  • PhilG111
    PhilG111 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    Thank You Mossy never accured to me about finding an advocate it sound like a good idea if I don't get anywhere in the very near future
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,702 Cerebral Palsy Network
    We waited for 7 years for accessible housing when I was younger. My mum had to basically shame the local authority into action by using TV, local newspapers and contacting local politicians. Now there is social media which is an extremely powerful tool. Keep shouting!