Does anyone use CBD oil for pain relief or to combat depression?

Garza Online Community Member Posts: 146 Empowering
edited July 2019 in Coffee lounge
I am curious to find out if people have any experience of using CBD oil to combat either of the above mentioned ailments, or any others for that matter, CBD oil seems to be the latest big thing but I am just unsure about it 


  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    edited July 2019
    Hi Garza....I have tried CBD oil when it first hit the market . Just like you , I was unsure of trying this " new" type of medication . ..... I have COPD , problems with pain in my right leg due to a bad accident and depression and anxiety .. but the reason I tried it was for severe tinnitus and Menieres disease as I read on a tinnitus site that it eased the tinnitus ( a jet engine in my right ear 24/7) I tried it ( orally ) three drops under my tongue . Of course it varies in strength ...but also varies in price.  ( I got mine from Holland and Barrett and after a few of months of trying it , it made no difference at all .) That does nor mean it would not help you of course . I have tried so many different things to relieve tinnitus ( to no avail) I thought I would try CBD oil . relief for me . 
    I think you should try it though Garza ...just to see whether it helps you personally or not .
    One of the local ice cream shops now makes ice cream with CBD oil ....I doubt very much if I would like ice cream made with CBD as the actual taste of the oil is revolting ( to me anyway) . Holland and Barrett charge around £20 ...but some of the suppliers are double or treble that price ....but it may be stronger as well .
    Good Luck Garza...please keep us informed of how you get on . ?
  • Imogen_Steele
    Imogen_Steele Online Community Member Posts: 41 Contributor
    Hi Garza, I have also tried CBD oil from Holland and Barrett. I found it had no significant effect on reducing my pain but I did feel slightly calmer and less anxious when I was taking it. I am sure a medicinal dose would be worth a try, hope this helps.
  • Bluto
    Bluto Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Old Thread I know but would like to reboot it .
    The first thing that you need to understand is that the CBD oil sold at the likes of H&B or any other shop in the UK, is CBD oil made from Hemp Plants. Although they have jumped on the CBD band wagon professing its medicinal properties, what they are actually selling to you is no more than a vitamin /appetite stimulant type of product,giving folk false hope, it really annoys me, its pure lies and people who are genuinely suffering and looking for the CBD cure they read about are being fooled its bloody criminal really ..The thing is thats all they can sell you, as real CBD oil, proper name RSO is illegal to sell or purchase in the UK.
    Real CBD or RSO short for Rick Simpson Oil is made from the Cannabis plant not the Hemp Plant although there the same family there are massive differences when it comes to medicinal values believe me I know. I am not going to sit here and write for hours about the merits of RSO and how well it works for all types of chronic illness as I would be here for a week or more. 
    But I will say ,, 3 years ago My life changed from being a 6"2" self employed builder , played sports , rode crazy fast motorbikes , had awesome plans for my retirement. within months I'm in a wheelchair or on a good day can wobble around on crutches, **** myself **** myself, had my house turned disabled friendly lost my livelihood, basically my world stopped and did a Uturn without my Ffing permission.
    As you fellow pain sufferers know theres a process. It normally begins when the over counter meds fail to help. It starts with Diclofenac, and Naproxen because thats GP protocol , after two more weeks of pain we progress to Tramodol, then the next thing is the cocktail of Tramedol and Amatryptylin. Nope sorry I'm still in acute pain , can't sleep for weeks, head is going west by now!!!
    They then bring out the big guns pregablins and gabapentyns mixed with Clanazapan and Zopiclon,,,,,, Im upside down now! Whats happened to me from fit to fckd in months, it then goes from being just pain to mental sh-t as well,especially at my age 53.
    18 months on and several surgical procedures later, one apparently life saving! I have excelled to the ultimate saviuours of pain,,, Morphine tabs and Fentanyl patches!!! To start with I admit this was okay if not more than ok I could space myself out at will,, "To no pain city" and really it worked ,,, i spent weeks, nigh months in this fckd opiate world, slowly losing myself it wasn't until my carer went to the chemist to pick my meds up and got told,, no stock for two days !!! this is when i realised ,, the UK legal med system has turned me into a opiate addict !!! Those two days of no Fentanyl and Morphine was hell.
    It took me two weeks of misery to turn this around my family helped. Once again,, I don't want to give to much detail but I was taken to what I thought was a family holiday in Italy,,,, I soon realised this was my families version of rehab!! I was addicted to Morphine and Fentanyl and these 4 weeks of hell in Italy worked .
    This is where RSO/CBD OIL became a part of my life.
    I have not long been a member of this amazing forum and my only wish is to impart my own personal experiences and not jeopardise the integrity of this wonderful meeting place ,but I am not going to hide or be frightened through unjust legislation nor be denied a medication that is natural and free that truly truly works in so many areas , from skin problems to digestive to anxiety to adhd, to epilepsy to depression and most of all for me pain relief with no opiate addiction. Yes folks CBD oil does work but only real CBD oil ,,, go online folks do your research .
    2 years ago while on prescribed meds I tried to take my own life on more than one occasion, I now even with my disabilities have a smile on my face and a reason to live . God bless RSO xx 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Garza - & with the greatest respect to @Bluto , my experience of using CBD is different, as we all are, & what might work for one person, whether it be prescribed meds or CBD, might not work for another.

    I have a genetic disorder called the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) & most likely (due to our family history) Chiari 1 Malformation (a neurological condition). hEDS means I was 'double-jointed, ' all my joints moving too much, which has resulted in me having osteoarthrosis in most of my joints, some of which partially that's painful. Chiari 1 Malformation for me means I have a burning pain as soon as I'm upright & sitting worsens the pain.

    I've been on a similar path to Bluto.....non-steroidal anti-inflammatory meds didn't work; tramadol made me have the most horrific hallucinations; amitryptyline lowered my blood pressure so much I was as dizzy as a coot; gabapentin didn't work & I was on Fentanyl patches for a long time until I decided to come off them gradually myself. Pregabalin dampens the pain down a bit. My friend got me some CBD oil, & it did nothing.....

    Over a year ago I came across a Facebook site: there I met others who were knowledgeable about CBD; how to start using it, & where to get it at a reasonable price from an ethical company. See: .....instead of H&B's £20 a bottle, the one I use is £7 & P&P. I would urge anyone interested to join this Facebook page to find out more. It now has over 37,000 members.

    What did it do for me? It has helped my lower back pain enormously (the least of my worries); it eases my joints somewhat, but unfortunately has not helped my neurological pain which is my worst problem.

    You need to be aware that with about 90% of prescribed meds, you would need to have a 4 hour gap between taking these & CBD. Even with over the counter meds, a 2 hour gap is recommended. It is wise to discuss taking CBD with your GP, or a pharmacist first.

    I also researched medical papers (mainly USA studies) & it seems CBD can be particularly helpful for pain & anxiety. So, hopefully this may help you.

  • Fati1808
    Fati1808 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    edited May 2023
    Hi, does anyone get any more feedback about CBD oils' benefits, especially when trying to fight anxiety? I found this blog article but would like to hear from people who felt better using the product. [Removed by moderator].

    Thanks for your help

  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @Fati1808 is this something you've been able to talk to your GP about? You'll forgive me if I'm misreading this, but how do you find managing your own anxiety at the moment?

    I've removed the link you've shared here as it's unfortunately broken, and I'd encourage you to be mindful of the community house rules, as we don't allow medical advice or advertising here on the forum. 

    Let us know if we can help further :)
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing

    Hi @grigorie000 - some medical studies have shown (mainly from the USA) that CBD may help with anxiety & depression, however, it should be started more slowly than when used for pain, etc. & increased (only if needed) very gradually. Otherwise, yes, it could worsen a person's symptoms of anxiety/depression if this wasn't done. Usually only a small amount of CBD is needed to maintain any benefit found with anxiety/depression.

    More research is still needed, &, you should discuss taking CBD with your GP or pharmacist first, as if thinking of taking CBD orally, it can interact with the majority of prescribed meds.