Cooling matt for full time wheelchair users

Kate_Scope Scope Posts: 73 Empowering
Hi everyone, with this recent hot spell I have been trying to rack my brains for my daughter who is a full-time wheelchair user to be more comfortable. (it can't be nice being sat all day in this heat) 
I have found the puuuuuuuurfect solution :)

A pet cooling matt from B&M bargains for £5.00 

I have one for the office too, it is working for me so far 

Here is the link if anyone is interested

this is a cheaper option than any others I have seen 



  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Thanks for sharing this @Kate_Scope, great idea!
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    What a good idea. I bought a fan for my son’s room it helps him cool down quicker during summer. Perhaps this is something that may also work? I tested out several fans before deciding. I even read reviews online. How do I keep my son cool on days out? I have tried keeping him in the shade and insisting he has plenty of water. Any other suggestions welcome! 
  • Kate_Scope
    Kate_Scope Scope Posts: 73 Empowering
    well the Matt works, my daughter used it yesterday while she was out and about- it works for three hours and then has to be not used for one hour and then the gel gets reactivated. 

    when Eve was younger we also Used the pram umbrellas (universal) that would fit on her wheelchair. 

    We used to freeze water bottles and she used to drink the ices water when it was like slush. 

    if I think of any more I will let you know :)


  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    well the Matt works, my daughter used it yesterday while she was out and about- it works for three hours and then has to be not used for one hour and then the gel gets reactivated. 

    when Eve was younger we also Used the pram umbrellas (universal) that would fit on her wheelchair. 

    We used to freeze water bottles and she used to drink the ices water when it was like slush. 

    if I think of any more I will let you know :)


    Thanks. A friend suggested wet face towels but I’m not a fan of that because it will mean more laundry for me. 
  • Kate_Scope
    Kate_Scope Scope Posts: 73 Empowering
    that made me laugh :) more laundry is never good- although a wet towel over a fan when you are home does work and cools the room more than usual 

  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Thanks again! I’ll try that tonight and report back tomorrow. I went to bed last night using a freezable hot water bottle. I filled it up with cold water and left it in the freezer for a hour before bed. It worked.