Choices are disappearing by the day for housing.

Hartley Posts: 114 Contributor
If i dont receive PIPS, but even if i do...i'll have to find areas that 100% have a train station....i'll know absolutely no one in these areas...Although ,thats not a major concern..but is very isolating!

Ive bid on a bungalow, but it has priority to anyone from the local parish.//So even when i do branch out from my town ive lived in for 19yrs..there seems to be little to no chance of catching a break..And my ex partner cannot allow me to continue using the living room to reside..Its been over a year now.

If i get through all this...i'll have so much experience.,so i can help others in the future..I cant see it..and to admit the obvious isnt being defeatist..   Its just acknowledging youre on a train track and a trains coming..?  Gallows humour!

but true"
If ,....this time next year. I post here again! will be so interesting to see what i have to say!


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @harley, I'm sorry to hear that things aren't very good at the moment. When will you know about the bungalow?
  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    It makes me cross that everyone assumes it is The Young who need a roof over their heads.  Ignoring the fact that  old people exist is theoretically unlawful  under equality law, so is ignoring the fact anyone is disabled. 

    I wish every time people use the word Young, they first try their proposed sentence with White.  White people need  housing.  White people need education.  White people need counselling or mental health services and social  activities and so on.....  ..........Yes, but by using a sentence specifying White, the implication is that nobody else has equal or greater need, or equal claim to taxfunding or charities.    
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Hi newborn

    I'm what the council class as "young" multiple health issues and I have been waiting 3 years for a place so far.
    I had a letter to say only bid on ground floor ect, I do that and then dont come in top 20. 
    Was quizzed why I was bidding on ground level and I shouldn't beacuse that more appealing to "older" people.
    I totally get that and I have been brought up to respect elders, but not fair when you struggle to walk being "Young"  they have all doctors notes ect but yet I'm being penalized for doing what I'm instructed by the council in black and white.
    So I'm assuming that different area's different rules. Either way I think that a shortage of houses,flats and alot of empty places and it's just pot lick if you get one now days.
    In my area it seems like if you got a drinking problem/ alcoholic you get places right away and the  they dont pay rent and more gets them.
    All can do is keep fingers crossed, I will keep kine crossed for you
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing
    It can be worse, some of us cannot even register for housing, my council will only let you register if homeless, never mind bidding on properties.
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering

    That is very true.

    I got turned down the first time I tryed and then I got told to get help to fill the forms in. So someone came round and helped me and thankfully I was excepted. Had to send medical evidence ect.
    Makes  a huge difference when someone knows what to put on the forms.

    Maybe citizen advice could help you or put you in touch with someone in your area who can.

    I always think it's best not to give up on trying, may aswell exhaust all possibilities first. I know It is so hard when you have other problems to deal, like fighting to get PIP, ESA aswell as dealing with illnesses  and life problems. But thankfully thier is some lovely kind people out there that's willing to help and give best advice.

    I hope you get the right help you need or if not you than someone that you know

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,787 Championing
    For those of us that have no chance of council housing (despite being young, white and male...where's my privilege!? :p ) we get penalised for being on benefits in the private sector.  The cheapest privately rented flats around here almost all say 'no pets, no smokers, no housing benefit/UC'.  

    I can understand why they do it having seen the awful state some benefits tenants leave properties in, and I also understand that not everyone uses the benefits wisely and end up unable to pay the rent, but to all be tarred with the same brush is very annoying.  I've never missed a payment since being on HB personally and there must be thousands of others the same!
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    I recently heard that private landlords are not allowed to say `no benefits` to possible applicants, as it is now illegal. Is this true?
  • clare_1
    clare_1 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering

    I have also been having to look privately and I agree alot turn me down beacuse I need to put things in like hand rails ect.
    I did have a flat before I fell I'll and lost my job of 8 years to to illnesses and I find that now privet tenents as you say wont touch people who claiming.
     It is so sad how the system works and even like stated that some people get privileged who don't deserve it and and everyone get treated different. No everyone on benefits like you say wreck things but round here it seems like they the ones who always get the properties, even when have wracked one before.
    We recently has had a housing councillor member suspended what sounds like taking money.

    Pollyanna I heard that private landlords can't charge fees no more.
    I remember paying loads before even getting a flat when I worked, for checks and admin fees ect.
    Not sure about what you heard but interesting if you be right

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    For those of us that have no chance of council housing (despite being young, white and male...where's my privilege!? :p ) we get penalised for being on benefits in the private sector.  The cheapest privately rented flats around here almost all say 'no pets, no smokers, no housing benefit/UC'.  

    I can understand why they do it having seen the awful state some benefits tenants leave properties in, and I also understand that not everyone uses the benefits wisely and end up unable to pay the rent, but to all be tarred with the same brush is very annoying.  I've never missed a payment since being on HB personally and there must be thousands of others the same!
    Completely agree here. Privately renting is a complete nightmare. I'm currently trying to move house myself but it's extremely difficult to find anyone willing to accept housing benefit, despite renting for 12 years and never being behind with my rent for any landlord i've had. We are all tarred with the same brush and it's very unfair.

    There's also mortgage companies that won't allow renting to those claiming benefits but i've not heard of landlords not being able to say no to DSS tenants.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing
    The sad thing is I have myself to blame.

    Although my own council have an extremely harsh policy of requiring you to be an emergency to accept you, my sister's neighbouring council does not, I simply needed to prove a local link.

    I had to wait an eternity for my sister to get proof she been there 6 years, then when she gave me the letter I have ended up sitting on it for 10 months and its probably now too old to use as evidence.
    I did get a letter from my GP for disability needs (and proceeded to lose it whilst waiting for my sister, GP is now retired).

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing
    I recently heard that private landlords are not allowed to say `no benefits` to possible applicants, as it is now illegal. Is this true?

    It means nothing in practice, they can still ask for proof of income.  If they see benefits, nothing is to stop rejecting you for any number of other reasons.
  • buzzer
    buzzer Online Community Member Posts: 104 Empowering
    edited August 2019
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    buzzer said:
    Link doesn't work.