I'm Just Me - Poem about Aspergers and Autism

Sam_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,602 Championing

An 11-year-old boy from Chesterfield has won a national competition with a poem about Aspergers.

Kenzi Jupp’s wrote ‘I’m Just Me’ for National Autism Awareness Day and has won first prize in the Young Poet Network’s annual contest and was published in the Young Minds collection.  

You can buy Young Minds via Etsy. The book is priced at £3.99 and proceeds go to charity.

child wearing a blue top writing at a desk surrounded by pens and pencils



So I am Autistic,

But what does it mean?

As it’s an invisible condition,

That can’t be seen,

Although sometimes you hear it,

In the way I talk,

Sometimes it makes me clumsy,

When I run or walk

So I am Autistic

But what can I do?

Virtually everything

The same as you.

Although sometimes I do it,

At a different speed,

I can read a book in a flash,

But changing for P.E?

It’s extra time that I need.

So I’m Autistic

But what have you heard?

That we are all weird?

Or a bunch of nerds?

But look back in the books,

Of history,

So many famous people

And inventors, you will see

So I’m Autistic,

And they were too,

Albert Einstein, Mozart, Newton,

To name but a few

Satoshi Tajiri creator of Pokemon

Hans Christian Anderson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs,

The list goes on.

So I am Autistic

What can you do?

To help me be happy,

Like all of you.

Talk to me, include me,

Be my Friend,

Accept who I am,

I’m just Kenzi


If you had one wish,

For what would it be?

A fast car? Big house?

Or a sack of money?

If you had one wish,

What would you choose?

Diamonds and Pearls?

Fancy clothes or new shoes?

If you had one wish,

What would you do?

Give it away?

Or use it on you?

If I had one wish,

I’d use it to show,

The world through our eyes,

The way our brains flow.

I’d use it to help,

You understand,

What life’s really like,

In the Autism Land

I’d open the door

For you to walk through,

Come take my hand,

Let me show it to you.

I’d show you how sometimes

Noise hurts our ears,

What makes us feel safe,

Our thoughts and our fears.

The things that we like,

Which seem strange to you,

Like flapping and jumping,

And spinning round too.

With one little wish,

I’d help you to see,

How confusing life is,

To children like me.

To see the world through our eyes,

Is my wish to you,

You’d see why we struggle,

If you walked in our shoes.

With only one wish,

I’d change the whole world,

Making it a place of acceptance

For all boys and girls.


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    An amazing poem!!! I'm sure it'll certainly open people's eyes!
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Brilliant poem. Really insightful.
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Outstanding! Absolutely brilliant Kenzi! ?
  • DinoDog2
    DinoDog2 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected
    Wow that made me feel a huge hunk of emotion ! Incredible ! 
  • mandy444444
    mandy444444 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Hi I’m Kenzi’s mum. This poem
    has now been turned in to an illustrated book. Join Kenzi’s advebtures on his facebook page Kenzi:D I’m just me or on twitter @KenziKj
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Very clever - love it - i think i will be following Kenzi on line - bless him x
  • mandy444444
    mandy444444 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Thank you! Kenzi is still surprised by how many places his poem has been shared x
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Hi @mandy444444 how are you and how is Kenzi doing x
  • mandy444444
    mandy444444 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    We are ok thank you. Kenzi has struggled wirh the past couple of years woth lickfown, covid  beiing off school etc its caused him some anxiety issues and he foesnt like going  out anywhete anymore so thars been hard x
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,759 Championing
    Absolutely wonderful poem and a very telented boy
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    We are ok thank you. Kenzi has struggled wirh the past couple of years woth lickfown, covid  beiing off school etc its caused him some anxiety issues and he foesnt like going  out anywhete anymore so thars been hard x
    Yes i can associate with that, my nephew, who'l be 20 this year, is the same, it so messed up his routine, bless him. He has coped with leaving school and going to college, all in lock down and i'm very pleased that he managed to except that. He loves his college, it's amazing that he a justed so well.
    Lovely to hear from you - has Kenzi written any more poems.

  • ProudMumForever
    ProudMumForever Online Community Member Posts: 233 Empowering
    Beautiful  <3
    I hope his family are just so proud of him .
    His talent should be available to all Primary, High School , College and University students .... oh and adults of course .
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    This is a fab poem, so well written! Well done Kenzi :)
  • mandy444444
    mandy444444 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Beautiful  <3
    I hope his family are just so proud of him .
    His talent should be available to all Primary, High School , College and University students .... oh and adults of course .
    Hi! Yes i’m very prpud of him! (i’m mum)  This poem has now been turned in to an illustrayed book  avaliable from midmarch full details are on his facebook group page Kenzi:D I’m just me or twittet @KemziKj  we are trying to get a copy in to all primary schools and SEN settings please share if you are able thank you xxx
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    How amazing @mandy444444! Really proud. And glad you are proud too. I hope it gets the outreach it deserves  :)