Moving in with my Future Wife

benjaminholt88 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I have been in contact with Nottinghamshire County Council and Mansfield District Council for help to move to Nottinghamshire to live with my future wife. I currently live in London and commute every few weeks to visit. We met about 5yrs ago on a respite holiday and been engaged about 4.5yrs. 

I contacted Nottinghamshire Adult Social Service and inform them of move that will be happening and this was done about 2-3yrs ago. Nottinghamshire County Council have been in contact with Barnet Council about the planned move and requested all the relevant information about myself which they needed for a case file. There has been no success with my information been shared with Nottingham County Council and Mansfield District Council to date despite permission been given.

A self referral was done to start the process of re-opening my case file to be allocated a new social worker. I was not in a good place a few months ago when the case was open due to been re-accessed by the DWP which has now been resolved. This had an impact on activity to move things forward. I was in the transition period of moving off ESA to UC.

When I met with the Social Worker Team Leader at home, I was informed that Social Services are not able to assist with helping me move. I believe there is some contridition here as I was then told that once I have suitable accommodation and have a proposed move date, then we would be happy to share your case file and ensure you are referred for assessment so that you can receive the relevant support.  

I currently live in supported accommodation (Sanctuary Housing) in London and my fiance visits occasionally and now is the right time for moving on. I understand this can be difficult at times and criteria with waiting lists do take priority. At present, I have heard a shortage of accommodation has been an issue around the country for a long period but not to be defeated. There is an option open for myself to live in the same property but this has been turned down by the housing accoccasion my fiancee rents her property from in Nottinghamshire.

I have a target move of June / July 2020 as this is when myself and Natasha get married. As a temp measure, I have been looking around myself in the Mansfield area for accommodation but with no luck as yet. It turns out currently rental tenants on benefit entitlements are been turned away and Professionals are the focus. This is a slight concern as agents think its hard to keep up the rent payments and be on time when on a benefit entitlement.

I have also asked to confirm with them as part of the move the criteria I meet regarding my level of risk. At present, the council believe I meet a low risk criteria but I believe to be Medium or High.



  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    Hi @benjaminholt88

    Firstly, Congratulations to You & Natashia, and I wish you both every kind of happiness together. I can see that you are experiencing worrying times regarding Your relocation from London.

    Have you studied Natashia's current Terms of Residency contract? No matter what contradictive advice you're getting, it will or should clearly state on the contract, of her allowance to have another person  (other than a paying lodger for example) living at her home with her. By marrying, this doesn't mean that she will be sub-letting the property, and I guess that if her home is not a single dwelling bedsit or can only accommodate one person due to its size, then there should be no reasons at all why you cannot both live at her home together. 

    I know that people suggest the same thing for a variety of different matters, but a visit to a Citizens Advice Bureau would be a very wise thing which either one of you could do. Natashia's 'Terms of Residency' should be taken with you, and if she has not been provided with one then this could be grounds for further investigation. Her Housing Provider's have a legal duty to provide her with a signed & dated Terms of Residency from the date she took charge of her home, and the terms contained cannot usually be altered or changed without notice, reason or consultation. 

    As for your need for a Social Services worker once you're married and living as a couple, then this is also a matter which the Borough Council in Nottinghamshire, has a duty to address subject to your own individual circumstances. 

    I hope that you can take away something from this, and please let us know how things progress, as I'm sure that others too will be able to help you with answers which may be of interest to you.       
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    I have been in contact with Nottinghamshire County Council and Mansfield District Council for help to move to Nottinghamshire to live with my future wife. I currently live in London and commute every few weeks to visit. We met about 5yrs ago on a respite holiday and been engaged about 4.5yrs. 

    I contacted Nottinghamshire Adult Social Service and inform them of move that will be happening and this was done about 2-3yrs ago. Nottinghamshire County Council have been in contact with Barnet Council about the planned move and requested all the relevant information about myself which they needed for a case file. There has been no success with my information been shared with Nottingham County Council and Mansfield District Council to date despite permission been given.

    A self referral was done to start the process of re-opening my case file to be allocated a new social worker. I was not in a good place a few months ago when the case was open due to been re-accessed by the DWP which has now been resolved. This had an impact on activity to move things forward. I was in the transition period of moving off ESA to UC.

    When I met with the Social Worker Team Leader at home, I was informed that Social Services are not able to assist with helping me move. I believe there is some contridition here as I was then told that once I have suitable accommodation and have a proposed move date, then we would be happy to share your case file and ensure you are referred for assessment so that you can receive the relevant support.  

    I currently live in supported accommodation (Sanctuary Housing) in London and my fiance visits occasionally and now is the right time for moving on. I understand this can be difficult at times and criteria with waiting lists do take priority. At present, I have heard a shortage of accommodation has been an issue around the country for a long period but not to be defeated. There is an option open for myself to live in the same property but this has been turned down by the housing accoccasion my fiancee rents her property from in Nottinghamshire.

    I have a target move of June / July 2020 as this is when myself and Natasha get married. As a temp measure, I have been looking around myself in the Mansfield area for accommodation but with no luck as yet. It turns out currently rental tenants on benefit entitlements are been turned away and Professionals are the focus. This is a slight concern as agents think its hard to keep up the rent payments and be on time when on a benefit entitlement.

    I have also asked to confirm with them as part of the move the criteria I meet regarding my level of risk. At present, the council believe I meet a low risk criteria but I believe to be Medium or High.


    If I may add, it is true that renting a property from the private sector is not easy when DWP Benefits are your only income. Private Owners are rightfully wary of taking a tenenant that has no regular working income. You may find that it is now Universal Credit who will be responsible for any Housing Benefits you're entitled to, but they are rarely meet the cost of your rent each month and you will have to show that you can comfortably pay any shortfall to your landlord EVERY month. Most landlords, won't take such a gamble I'm affraid.

    It may also be that you're in a catch 22 position in terms of qaulifying for Social Housing from a Council or a Housing Asscoiation. As you usually need to be able to prove that you've been a couple for at least 6 years (I think) before they will consider you, or that you have been living together for the same amount of time prior to your marriage. This may be another thing to ask the CAB. 

    A more recent or a current Risk Assessment may also assist you with identifying your requirements as a disabled person, and you should be able to request for one via your GP.  
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    This is da jar Vue lol. I am from Mansfield living in lambeth London and I used to live in sanctuary supported housing in burnt Ash Hill. I know you have one thing on your side. To be helped with housing from an authority you need a connection. This you have as you are marrying. I would seek advice from cab or from a legal source. Congratulations 
  • benjaminholt88
    benjaminholt88 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Natashia's current Terms of Residency contract are been looked at with help from a local Councillor. It has been studied at length. The original tenancy was signed with her previous partner as a joint as the property has 2 bedrooms. The housing asscocation changed but the contract was still valid at the time allowing her to have another person living at her home. Natasha didn't need to sign a new tenancy agreement after the previous relationship break-up according to them. To the knowledge of the persons involved having myself move in wont be classed as a tenancy breech. At present, the second bedroom is where the PA sleeps (24hr live-in) and I am down as a regular visitor. The accommodation is a 2-bed bungerlow and no issues there as far as Councillors are concerned.  
  • charlie79
    charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
    Good luck