Any suggestions for pain relief?

Ednamay Community member Posts: 2 Connected
I have been living with osteoarthritis for years and currently have Cocodamol (aka Zapain) which takes the edge off the worst sessions, but it can aggravate my Irritable Bowel.  

In the past I had steroid injections which, again, take off the edge but do not last for any length of time;  the injections were repeated a month of so ago but.  ...   has anyone got any suggestions, please?


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,658 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi, @Ednamay and welcome to the community. Unfortunately we're not medical experts here, so wouldn't be able to advise on pain relief for you. Have you had a look at the British Pain Society?
  • pigeon55
    pigeon55 Community member Posts: 116 Contributor
    I have the same condition in all most every joint. I've had 2 joints replaced and prior to that I had injections but to no avail. I started on co cod amol then when these failed to help I was prescribed butec patches. They started at 10 micro grames but due to increased pain the doseage has been increased by the pain management to 35 micrograms plus co cod amol as and when. I found this pain relief very helpful as without it I can not move. 
    Hope you get the pain relief you need 
  • GalDriver
    GalDriver Community member Posts: 57 Empowering
    Cannabis, I make weak fudge, is the best but Cramp Bark Tincture can ease cramps if caught earlier enough. I have MS with spasms and constant pain. Good luck. x

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,656 Championing
    edited October 2019
    Hi @Ednamay, I have generalised osteoarthrosis due to a genetic disorder, so too can relate.

    Exercise is the most helpful thing, so I wonder if you might ask your GP/rheumatologist to refer you for physiotherapy. You would be shown exercise that's appropriate for you (to be continued at home), postural tips, & perhaps relaxation techniques if you mention them. Perhaps you might also get hydrotherapy, if available.

    Exercise, distraction & relaxation techniques are my mainstays. The following site may also be useful:

    I take cannabidiol (CBD) which is cannabis without the psychoactive THC element & as such is legally sold here in the UK as a 'food supplement'. If you might consider this, I would discuss with your GP or a pharmacist as you're taking medication. This is the only thing I take for joint pain, as pain medications are mainly ineffective in people with my disorder.

  • GalDriver
    GalDriver Community member Posts: 57 Empowering
    My new favourite exercise machine. I was lucky enough to know someone who had one and wanted to sell (closing down gym). 
  • Ednamay
    Ednamay Community member Posts: 2 Connected
    Thank you very much for all your comments and suggestions, I am considering them carefully.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,510 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Ednamay. :)
  • Ails
    Ails Community member Posts: 2,239 Championing
    Hi @Ednamay and welcome to the Community.  It is nice to meet you and thank you for sharing.  I too suffer from pain at times and take Zapain for it too which helps a bit.  I do Tai Chi and find this helps me also in coping with it.  If there is anything else we can help you with then please just let us know.  All the best.  :smile: