Students and 'New Style' ESA, PIP and UC + Disability Premiums

pkeith95 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

Firstly, an apology,   I have tried several times to read and make sense of all available posts, GOV websites etc and am still having a headache over all of this.  So I am sorry if it's going over old ground.

I have just been awarded Enhanced Daily Living PIP and have been advised that ESA is the route to go down for support, as I am unable to work due to many mental health issues.  I'm hoping to start a University course but wanted to know how this all relates to PIP and ESA.

As I understand it, UC is out because they don't send you for a Work Capability assessment, and if you're not classed as in a support group or work related activity group, then your UC is dismissed outright.

ESA apparently is the way to go with this.  I understand that because I have paid NI contributions in the last few years, that it would be contribution based if awarded.

Questions I have are:

How is student income taken into account with Contribution based ESA if I were t start Uni?
How do Disability premiums work with CB ESA, if at all?

I just can't make sense of it.

For some background, I suffer with anxiety and depression, and it's because of work that I am suffering with it.  I am not fit to hold employment at present for a number of reasons.

Thank you all again for your support, I'm so grateful.



  • northwestmum2
    northwestmum2 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    My son has some ASD issues coupled with (mild) cerebral palsy,he went on UC at 20,turned down for ESA part of it,even though he had previously had higher rates when on young persons 'child' tax credit.(he HAD to do a work capability assessment) and is on higher rate PIP daily living,standard mobility.hes not to do work,but yet still not in ESA support group.(which even surprised his job coach) he's now started university,where they've assessed him from university finance england,they awarded uni fees,extra funding for disability as well,and also extra for any equipment he needs.But,he was told by someone he'd need to give up the UC( not that he gets much!) But then was told by someone else that UC is sometimes still able to be paid,so we've appt this week to let them know he's at university& then take it from there,otherwise he may end up owing dwp,so if we find out more will keep u posted on here.No one seems to know much in dwp how it all works if you're a disabled student in relation to benefits?!
  • northwestmum2
    northwestmum2 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    Apparently theyre not allowed to take PIP into consideration when assessing for Student Finance,but other 'money coming in' they are,including parents money or benefits if applicable.
  • northwestmum2
    northwestmum2 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    ESA on its own is not a benefit you can apply for in its own right anymore, even the work coaches in job centre refer to it as "UC,with the ESA side of it" bloody stupid mouthful of a name,if you ask me,when they could have just left it as it were!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,178 Championing

    To claim New style ESA you must have paid enough NI Contributions from working in the previous 2 tax years. If you claim this you'll need a fit note from your GP and your SSP1 if you were previously working and claimed SSP for 28 weeks.

     Unfortunately new style ESA doesn't have any disability premiums paid with it because it's contributions based only. If you claim this then because it's Contributions based then any student loans are ignored when claiming it.

    Universal Credit, is means tested and some student loans are taken into account when claiming this and will reduce the amount you're entitled to. Also claiming this will depend on your circumstances because it's a means tested benefit and living with a partner that works, capital and savings will affect the amount you can claim also.

    PIP isn't means tested and student loan doesn't affect this.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,178 Championing
    ESA on its own is not a benefit you can apply for in its own right anymore, even the work coaches in job centre refer to it as "UC,with the ESA side of it" bloody stupid mouthful of a name,if you ask me,when they could have just left it as it were!
    That's not correct. New style ESA can be claimed for those that have paid enough NI Contributions from working in the previous 2 years. This replaces the old Contributions based ESA.

    Some student loans are taken into consideration when claiming a means tested benefit. If your son has claimed a student loan and is still receiving his UC payments then it's very likely he will have an overpayment of UC.