sherl Community member Posts: 9 Listener
I sent my forms back 29th July, for three weeks the DWP  denied they got my forms back, I stated to the lady that I will send
a new set of forms back recorded delivery, within in an hour I got a text stating my forms were there. I had my f2f 6 weeks ago, My pip is
a coming  from DLA to PIP even though I'm over the age limit 16-64.
I scored 12 points Mobility & 23 for Activity.

They can clearly see my Disability care has completely changed and my Care has increased, (my Husband) is typing this.
even though I have gone from DLA now to pip, & I appreciate that the new claims get priority  but I need reassessing in
 2yrs 6months they probably  think that if I have an operation on my broken spine things will get better?
 I have had one is its now 100% useless  the decision has been put on the back for a further 2 operations, to which
I think I'm going to decline for now, we noticed on my f2f HP report she put my pain level is 3, I never once stated pain level,
& I wished it was 3 and not 13is'h  some days its so high I feel suicidal that's the truth, breaking ones back is not fun by any means
but THE DWP just haven't got a glue on peoples pain. 

that's it folks rant over!  but I'm fed up with the DWP who has me in their balance so to speak!.


  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,016 Championing
    Yes, it is a terrible situation to be in. Just wanted to send you my support xxx
  • sherl
    sherl Community member Posts: 9 Listener

    more sleepless nights ahead
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,648 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @sherl. I hope you're doing okay. Your experience sounds awful and unfortunately one that happens all too often.

    You mention in your post that your pain levels are sometimes so high they can make you suicidal. Do you discuss these thoughts with anyone when your pain's this bad and do you have much in the way of mental health support at all? I can only imagine how draining the pain is on your mental wellbeing.
    While I can't offer any solutions to your pain, Mind do have some good resources for dealing with those sorts of thoughts and Samaritans are always just a phone call away (116 123) if you need to express how you're feeling.