My money was stopped, my tax on my vehicle stopped, blue badge stopped!

canttakemuchmore Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
edited November 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Had an assessment by a young lady from Capita , What an absolute wast of time , the assessor  answered questions that were not put to me , she lied about the whole assessment ,I have been disabled for over 20 years with a multitude of  conditions ranging from severe debilitating arthritis of the spine ( discs removed from back , prosthesis and fusion of spine operated through stomach ) operation of foot due to arthritis pins in foot , part of pancreas removed with mass which was growing on it in feb this year , COPD  Very limited movement .  As i say , the assessor lied , i have home security cctv and played it back to show what a company who uses deceit as a format and informed the DLA a bout this .It is not allowed as evidence , i should have got a twin type tape recorder and advise them i was recording then give a copy to the assessor , what a joke. MY MONEY WAS STOPPED , MY TAX ON MY VEHICLE STOPPED , MY BLUE BADGE STOPPED . The appeal can take up to ten months to process . I am now housebound , can't use buses or travel in a car or taxi or afford to tax my vehicle which was adapted for my disabilities by my own expense . This has got to stop , assessors should wear body cams while assessing  'CLIENTS , and we should be able to record the people who can devastate our lives by  lying on official documents . In this day and age with the technology we now possess it should be normal practice. As an armed forces veteran I am disgusted at the way I and others are treated through this system , Sorry i served and risked my life for the situation I now find myself in . ATOS did the same thing to me ten years ago , at my appeal the so called doctor who has a practice in cardiff , a hospital in india who asked me how many steps i could take and where i shopped , and insisted that i lived in a three story house ( its a two story) refused my appeal , how much do these doctors who are supposed to deal with our health get for asking no medical questions whatsoever about your condition get paid for this. No wonder so many people are commiting suicide over these unlawfull decisions . AN ANGRY DISABLED VETERAN.


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @canttakemuchmore   Thank you for joining and sharing.

    Sorry to hear what you have been through.

    I am one of the team of community champions.  We guide, advise and help members who are part of our community.

    Please may I suggest you could appeal. I do understand the anger the annoyance and how upset you are.

    Many of our community have been through this including my self.

    Only last year lost my car. So have to use taxis.

    Please can I also advise as you are a veteran of the armed forces have you contacted them to give you any additional guidance, advice with your appeal.

    Might be worth finding out.

    British Legion or any Armed Services Association might be able to advise and could attend your appeal or any benefit assessment in the future.

    Please can I add also mentioned can not use public transport.  There are taxis firms who know what has happened to our community.

    Have a look on line. Yell often useful to look at.

    I am disabled like yourself with a mental health issues add also had a car adapted. Automatic been on the scheme for over twenty years plus.

    Found on line a taxi company use text to book . Also find out what  is available in your area on line.

    Some volunteer services do have drivers.  RVSP is one and some times other charities might be worth looking at.

    You could complain to the assessors company or speak to your MP.

    Many of our community members have done that.  With positive and good outcomes.

    All I can say we are here to support respect and have compassion and empathy.

    If I can help with any thing please get in touch.

    Pleasure to meet you.



  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Hello @canttakemuchmore. Welcome. 

    You can find details of your local law centre or citizens advice office on this site. I agree. If I treated my private fee paying clients that way I would be fired pronto. Visit this link. You can find useful phone numbers to call too.

    You only have 28 days to request a mandatory reconsideration. Use advice local and citizen’s advice to help
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @canttakemuchmore and a very warm welcome to the community. I'm sorry to hear this but hope the advice above has been helpful. Is there anything else I can help with? :)