LAmesXOX Community member Posts: 18 Connected
edited November 2019 in PIP, DLA, and AA


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing

    I'm a community champion here on scope and give advice to others here regarding the benefit system. I see you deleted your post, is there anything i can do to help?
  • Misscleo
    Misscleo Community member Posts: 645 Pioneering
    Hi do tottally agree with you.
    Iv seen this happen for many years.
    Like with blue badge. Hidden disabilitys take over all the bays leaving disabled people with no where to park.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    Misscleo said:
    Hi do tottally agree with you.
    Iv seen this happen for many years.
    Like with blue badge. Hidden disabilitys take over all the bays leaving disabled people with no where to park.

    I've no idea how you can reply to a thread where the message has been deleted, unless you seen what was posted before you decided to reply.

    Your comment about hidden disabilities really isn't very nice, i'm sorry. Lots of people claim PIP with hidden disabilities, my daughter included. They have just as much right to a blue badge as someone with a visible disability. Are you saying that a severely sighted person shouldn't have a blue badge because that's also a hidden disability!
  • M_Eandme
    M_Eandme Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    edited November 2019
    @poppy123456 please read
    and @Misscleo your comment is very discriminatory against disabilities visible or hidden! I have a health condition that has totally changed my life, i can barely move around some days due to the extreme fatigue and find your comment very offence towards people like myself where health conditions and disabilities are not always visible, visible or not does not make anybody worse or better off than anyone else. It does not make you or anyone else more or less entitled than the person next to you! Obviously i do not know you but you clearly are very judgemental to others and on a site like this with people who have their own personal struggles i am shocked to see you running people down with invisible disabilities and you should be lucky you do not have one as people like myself have enough judgement on them what people like myself  dont need is somebody ignorant like yourself on a site like this thats suppose to build each other and support not run people down. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    edited November 2019
    removed as posted in error..
  • M_Eandme
    M_Eandme Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Hi @poppy123456 no sorry i just tagged you as you are a community champion i worded that wrong, but seems like @Misscleo was implying this 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    @M_Eandme thanks for editing your comment above. I totally agree about judgemental comments from others related to those with invisible conditions.
  • M_Eandme
    M_Eandme Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Yes sorry again @poppy123456 it made me very upset to read that, only joined last week and found this site extremely helpful but was shocked when I came across this comment. I have only had my blue badge since june and twice i have been blocked in by others who believe they are more worthy of the space along with stares, this stopped me going out for a while even if my partner or grown up children with me  i was so upset from it, i was very disappointed to see another member on here with the same views.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,503 Championing
    No worries at all. I'm so sorry you have been treated that way. I have a blue badge myself although my condition is visible. I have nothing against those that have a badge with hidden disabilities and shame on those that do.

    All i can advise is please don't shut yourself away and stay home because of what others say, think and do. You have the same rights to a badge as the next person. Shut those eyes and block your ears to those that say bad things and know that you've done nothing wrong!
  • DavidJ
    DavidJ Community member Posts: 55 Empowering
    Oh oh this really is a can of worms !!!
    If you have a blue badge which allows you to park in disabled bays it’s because you have been assessed by professionals and not by your peers . You do not owe any of these self proclaimed “consultants “ “doctors” and the like any explanations of your conditions at all . 
    There are always those who buck the system and although in a minority they have no regard for blue badge holders anyway .
    I have never ever once explained myself to these car park “consultants “once in the twenty years I have been disabled .They get the stare and Mrs Browns “that’s nice” from me and then I ignore them and go about my business in my wheelchair!!
    Please bear in mind that it’s probably the increase in people being allowed a blue badge for hidden disabilities that may appear to be causing a problem but in reality having changed the blue badge criteria the powers that be haven’t increased the quantity of disabled parking bays . So yes it’s going to have a knock on effect until it’s all sorted . If it’s sorted !!Hidden disabilities or not you will always find a jobsworth somewhere who know your disabilities better than you do .
    I myself have apparently made some miraculous recoveries(according to car park consultants) I was thinking of changing my name to Lazarus !!
    Keep the faith and display your blue badge with pride !! 
  • M_Eandme
    M_Eandme Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Thank you @poppy123456 and @DavidJ ... for your support mostly i do give them a look back as they do not know me, or that this one 45 min shopping trip will land me in bed before to rest ready and after for 2 to 3 days, but on my down days it upsets me beyond words and makes me not want to go out. I never judge anyone and should no by now there is always one! 
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Community member Posts: 2,016 Championing
    If anyone wants your disabled car parking space, tell them they are welcome to it, as long as they take your disability too!
  • M_Eandme
    M_Eandme Community member Posts: 53 Contributor
    @pollyanna1052 thats a good one, if it was true i would advertise a space lol ?