Taking the DWP to a small claims court?



  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering
    wilko said:
    What’s up with these people they have waited so long for their tribunal then win and can’t wait or become impatient with the DWP waiting for their back payments, you won’t be short changed, you will be paid in full. 
    @ wilko is partly correct, since I waited 14 months to get it to a Tribunal but prior to giving a Tribunal date in August 2020 a decision Maker rang and said there were serious Typos and Grammatical errors on my claim and failed to esclate it to a Second tier Tribunal after making an offer over the phone of a reduced rate of benefits.  This 2eleventh hour call was enough to stop the tribunal as they said the offer was advantageous to the claimant.  They had removed ALL MY BENEFITS while awaiting a tribunal date, also wrong.  ICE had contacted them and hence the call.  The long and short of it it took 2 months to get my original documents back on file and the benefits at enhanced rates for both.
      In September an offer and the calculation was sent and ON RECEIPT OF AN E MAIL SAYING I EXCEPT THE CONTENTthe back payment was put into my account within 5 working days.  there was also a new certificate of entitlement issued and that is where things went wrong, because another decision maker took over the case and within two days of 20th September 2020 the new calculation had been made and they altered the start date.  In correcting that they then increased the end date, but instead of being openended it was for 2 years.  All I wanted was a certificate of entitlement so I could get an Invalidity scheme car?
        So I am wondering have you received a new certificate of entitlement and the calculation of your new entitlement as this would show a start and end date.  ( Start date for where the back pay will be dated from, this also applies to claw back payments. )  ( end date for period of review, or for admin purposes like mine, 2029. ) as they don't like giving openended certificates, although mine does state open ended and never to be assessed again.
      Have you received these?