Life motto

jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
Hi all
Thought I would do something a little fun. So asking everyone what is thier one life motto that they stand by.
Mine is
" if you can dream it, you can do it" <3
Love to hear all yours!  :)


  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @jadealyssa   Understand have several..

    If you put a stone in your path do you go around or over or stop still.

    Success come in cans nor can nots.

    We need to be near radiators not drains.

    If something is possible it will be done, if some thing is impossible it could be done.

    Please take care.


  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Awesome ones there..some I've never heard of but are really unique
    Thank you for taking part 
    Best wishes 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @jadealyssa   That is fine up and about always happy to support a fellow Community Champion.

    Meant to add doing marvellous . How do think your doing ?

    In my opinion excellent. lol.

    Always some night around if I can not sleep due to pain or other issues, gets a lot busy.

    Some nights in to early hours so if your wishing for company, advice guidance any problems.

    With anything members  want to chat does help.

    I am the white knight lol...

    Mottos some are from lifestyle improvement courses..  When you join mental health or addiction support there are these amazing inspirational people whom you follow.

    Addiction especially always following some one, can be some one with absenteeism longer than you.

    Never goes away you see the craving.

    All your ladies like chocolate imagine being a chocoholic.  Need a piece every day you want some but know it is hurting or harmful to health.

    That is what addiction is like.

    A disease and a one that does cause so much pain ripples in to a pond.

    One of the reasons am up into night early morning pains and body , mind.

    Enough of me hope your days being going OK


  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Sorry to hear you dont sleep too well. I'm also one that doesn't sleep well mainly because after a long day with both my children and as I said before my son suffers with CP come the night I sit and reflect on the day and I'm always worried as along with the CP my son has breathing issues so I'm always on alert.
    I think I'm doing ok. I'm still new to it and getting my bearings just hoping on helping as many people I can and giving advice that will be helpful. I've read many of your posts and they are very insightful and helpful so thank you for being there, not only for me but for everyone!! 
    Takecare x
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    I don't really have a motto but I've been trying to embrace a painting my daughter has on her wall which reads:
    "Be what you want to be, not what others want to see"
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Like that one  :)
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    if you see someone without a smile, give them your`s!
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    Mine is. What you see is what you get!
    I get that from my dad. We have almost identical personalities and are both very head strong. I think mine comes from being bullied at school and never quite feeling like I fitted in.
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Lovely motto
    Sorry to hear you got bullied at school,never a nice experience and it's never okay.
    Here if you ever want to talk
    Best wishes 
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    Hi @jadealyssa. Thanks. I think being bullied makes you a stronger person. My attitude has got me into trouble of the years though! An example of how I stand up to people is one that I tell everyone. I once went into the DSS office where I lived and I was sitting opposite a man and two women and sitting next to me was an Asian man. The other man and the women were obviously racists and started talking about how Asian people good enough for doing nothing but running corner shops. The Asian man was obviously very upset. He got up and walked out. I couldn't help myself and went mad at the man and the two women. I started talking about all the important jobs Asian people do such as surgeons and doctors. The man shouted at me and accused me of listening in to his conversation. I answered you shouldn't have been saying it so loudly that the who room could hear you. He could see the Asian was upset but didn't seem to care. Some one has to stand up to the bullies!
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    I agree someone does have to stand up to them, they dont realise the damage they can do to another person. We hear in the news of seriously young children committing suicide from being bullied. Something more needs doing although I'm unsure what.
    Well done you for standing up for that poor man. There isnt alot of people who are willing to speak out and I'm sure he would have really appreciated it.

  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    Hi @jadealyssa. Like I said in my motto what you see is what you get. I have changed that a bit because there is a swear word in it! I am not scared of anyone and as you have said someone has to stand up to the bullies. You are probably right about a lot of people not speaking out but someone has to and it just happened to be me.
  • AndyGT
    AndyGT Online Community Member Posts: 975 Empowering
    I have a couple that I use "There is no such thing as a stranger, just a friend you haven't made yet....'" and "Every journey starts with a single step." That last one is paraphrased and does not necessarily mean an actual step but that any action begins with a single action. 
  • WestHam06
    WestHam06 Online Community Member Posts: 1,390 Trailblazing
    Hi @jadealyssa
                               Thank you for your post, what a great idea. I have many motto's that I try to live by but there are two that stick in my head which are 'The bad news is time flies, the good news is that you are the pilot' and 'Treat others as you wish to be treated'. Thank you. 
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Love them especially the first one.
    Great to see you on here
    Anything you need please ask
    Best wishes 
  • yassine_Bht
    yassine_Bht Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Hello . . Thank you very much for this initiative. . You can hear everything. . But you can't get a feeling for every person in every story or problem. . Until you lived it
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    This is a great thread, I love these mottos!

    In Scotland we have a couple of good ones -

    "Lang may yer lum reek!" - originally started as a toast at Hogmany, it means "I wish you well for the future".

    "Whit's fur ye'll no go past ye!" - "Whatever will be will be and if something is meant for you it will happen".

    "Keep the heid!" - "Stay calm!"     :smiley:
  • jadealyssa
    jadealyssa Online Community Member Posts: 63 Contributor
    Thank you  :) and thank your for your lovely ones. I love to hear every one elses ones  <3
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    You are welcome @jadealyssa.  Me too.  :smiley:
  • Brightsidebecs
    Brightsidebecs Online Community Member Posts: 86 Empowering
    Nice to read all your mottos, it’s fantastic how a few words or phrases can mean so much to us all.  

    I don’t have mottos as such but I do like Always look on the brightside of life. Always reminds me to try and see something good in every bad or negative situation or experience. 

    Best wishes 
