Hi, my name is Zaffybae!

Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
Hi everyone glad to be part of this comm2i have pn due to not being able to manage my diabetes very well Hope to get some good advice and make friends Thankyou 


  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Hi everyone glad to be part of this community
    i have pn due to not being able to manage my diabetes very well Hope to get some good advice and make friends Thankyou 
  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Online Community Member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    Hi @Zaffybae Welcome to scopes online community.
    I'm Tammy one of the volunteer community champions here on the site. I'm sorry you are having trouble managing your diabetes, can you seek medical advice from your gp and see what they can do for you. There are lots of  people on here who are looking to make friends. If you take a look around the site, hopefully you find it helpful and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or any other part of the community champions. We are here to help as much as we can and support people. Hope to speak soon.
    Tammy ?
  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thankyou so much I truly appreciate this group ?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hello and welcome I also have diabetes for iver 30 years and did not gave good control for many years. This is now taking its toll so I urge you to do your best to get it sorted see your gp or specialist nurse or doctors. It has affected my health massively over the last 2 years peripheral neurothopy , glaucoma, sepsis, ulcers , leg amputation. 

    Please see someone and try get on top of it. 
  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thankyou janer 1967 I have pn and mascular degeneration in my eyes I have depression and anxiety it's just overwhelming and having this pain on my leg is so excruciating and scary I'm trying my best Dr has given more meds so trying to take them and move on Godwilling ?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Zaffybae hope the meds work and if not keep being reviewed . Happy to share anything with you if my experience and offer you any support . 
  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thankyou so much for your help and advice very much appreciated ?
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Welcome to the community @Zaffybae :)
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae and welcome to the Community.  It is nice to meet you and thank you for sharing with us.  I see already you are getting very good advice from members above and you will continue to receive great support on here and make some new friends too.  I hope you enjoy your time with us and I look forward to seeing you on here.  If there is anything at all we can help/support you with then please just let us know.  All the best.  :smile:
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae - Welcome to the community from me too. Thank you for joining; as you can see everyone is so friendly & supportive,& I hope you find the advice above helpful. I've been looking around the Diabetes UK website (https://www.diabetes.org.uk) in case you haven't come across it, & there are some lovely recipes there; some of which are tempting me, especially the soups! See:  https://www.diabetes.org.uk/Guide-to-diabetes/Enjoy-food/Cooking-for-people-with-diabetes
    I'd also like to ask my friend @thespiceman for his advice as regards your anxiety & depression, as he's our mental health guru, & will be happy to help. :)

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @Zaffybae   Pleased to meet you.

    Thank you for joining and sharing.  Sorry what your are going through and experiencing.

    Please can I thank my friend @chiarieds for asking me to advise you and also may I add another name tag to my collection.

    Please I can advise on several aspects of your mental health.

    I have mental health and disability also addiction history. Advise, support members of our community.

    Also have diet, nutrition advice and guidance experience and qualifications have knowledge and expertise .

    Please may I suggest you contact the following mental health charities.

    Offer the following floating support, advice guidance and information on benefits, well being your health issues right now, often have in house advisors.




    I would add might not be in all areas, you can self refer or speak to your GP.

    Please can I just suggest some ways to be calm and relaxed and aids restful sleep helps with anxiety.

    Understand your an diabetic so there are foods to avoid.

    These are for anxiety Caffeine, in Tea, Coffee, Cola, Chocolate.

    Avoid alcohol any way with diabetes and smoking all are stimulants. Consume more effects anxiety.

    Nutrition, eat lean meat Chicken Turkey Beans Pulses should be part of your diabetes regime any way.

    Whole grains bread, Pasta Rice.  Been careful of sugar levels in Bread.

    Leafy greens Spinach, Kale.

    Fruit and Vegetables avoid those cause sugar level high Apples be OK, Citrus avoid.


    Nutritional diet and guidance.

    1 .  Being over weight avoid this make sure balanced diet and speak to well being service. Community Health.
    2.  Regular snack meal times.
    3. Whole meal bread, pulses beans .
    4.Avoid sugar sweet drinks cakes and biscuits.
    5. Fruit vegetables avoid those high sugar levels. Grapes, Citrus.
    6. Any tinned fruit in syrup avoid.
    7.Must include Lean Meat, Eggs.
    8. Cut down fatty foods avoid.
    9.Avoid salty foods.
    10. Avoid Alcohol has sugar in any drink.
    11. Drink water plenty of.

    Please if I can help with anything, please ask.

    Please take care.


  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae

    Welcome it’s great to meet you this afternoon.

    I am also one of the Community Champion’s here at Scope.

    I can see that you have had some good info/advice from a number of my friends.

    Can you please let me know if there’s anything else that I can help you with??


  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thankyou Steve 51 I was taken to hospital last night because I had taken too much metformin by mistake and was also given morphine for the pain in my leg It did help I'm not on pip anymore they took it off me last January even though I had been given dla indefinitely for mobility and support I'm just so down and don't know what to do or who to contact Would truly appreciate any advice given And for all the advice that Has been given ?
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae, sorry to hear you were taken to hospital last night.  How are you feeling today?  I hope the pain has eased somewhat. 

    I hope you don't mind, but I have looked up the Diabetes UK website as they maybe able to provide you with further support for your Diabetes - https://www.diabetes.org.uk/ if you want to take a look.

    With regards to your PIP and DLA, I will tag in one of our other Community Champions, @poppy123456 to see if she can advise you with regards to your benefits as she is very experienced in these matters.

    Meantime, please keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on.  We are here to support you so please feel free to chat to us anytime.  If there is anything we can help/support you with then you only just have to ask.  Hoping you are feeling better soon.  All the best.  :smile:

    Hi @poppy123456, can you please advise @Zaffybae with regards to benefits?  Thanks, @Ails:smile:

  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Hi ails I'm still in pain just waiting for the Dr to ring me back Godwilling Thankyou so much I truly appreciate everyone's advice and help on here Its like a whole new world where people genuinely care about each other much love to everyone ❤️
  • Ails
    Ails Online Community Member Posts: 2,237 Championing
    You are very welcome @Zaffybae.  Sorry to hear that you are still in pain.  I hope your GP can help you with this.  No problem at all, that is what we are here for.  It's not much fun when you are in pain, but I hope you can manage to still have a nice, relaxing day.  Let us know how things go and I hope you feel better soon.  All the best.  :smile:
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing
    HI and welcome,

    Thanks @Ails for the tag.

    May i ask when you were refused PIP did you request the Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) then take it to Tribunal if the MR decision didn't change? If you didn't do this was there any reason why?

    Ether way, you are outside the maximum time frame where you can challenge the decision now.

    You can start a claim again at anytime but please be aware that if you use the same evidence you previously used then you'll likely see another refusal.

    PIP and DLA are different benefits with different criteria. PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect your ability to carry out daily activity based on the PIP descriptors. Relevant evidence will be needed to support your claim and a face to face assessment is most likely.

    If you do decide to start another claim and you need further advice then please do ask and i'm sure people will advise you further.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae - I'm glad you're back home after ending up in hospital. I can only hope the pain in your leg may now continue to be addressed, & you get some relief. Take care, & chat to us all here any time. We all would like to support you in whichever way we can. :)
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @Zaffybae

    I am very very sorry to hear about your hospital last night.

    Please please don’t feel down & unsure.

    When did you have your “pip assessment”

    Please please let me know “What & Who”
    help you require????


  • Zaffybae
    Zaffybae Online Community Member Posts: 15 Listener
    Thankyoubso much everyone truly appreciate you all I'm still waiting for the Dr to ring me I had my pip taken off me last year January I did and Mr was still refused and then didn't have the energy or mind to fight again as I have severe depression anxiety and diabetes I just spiralled down didn't go back on my diabetic tablets and ended up here now with peripheral neuropathy apparently in my right leg as well as all the other problems from before being truthful after my pip was taken away I just didn't want to be alive BUT at this moment even though I am in alot of pain I am glad to be alive Its so hard my moods are like a roller-coaster and I can't seem to control them ❤️