

  • Piter
    Piter Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi I am new here and I am worried a bit
    I have LCWRA, housing, UC, and higher rate of PIP without motability.
    I have a wifa and a baby and my wife caring about me. 
    The thing is can I work at all? 
    I have several mental problems and personality disorders but as long as I am nor with a lot of people it's fine. I thought about taking uber eats or similar delivery job, that will help me with movement and maybe with my weight but I am worried that I will loos everything. 
    And what if working hours are 16 per week but payment is more than 20 pounds per hour.
    I am sorry for my English.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    @Piter hi,
    You can work and claim LCWRA but if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA then you could be reassessed early and the decision could go against you. If you start working then you must report the changes onto your journal.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    No limits on how many hours you work or how much you earn.
  • Piter
    Piter Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    calcotti said:
    No limits on how many hours you work or how much you earn.
    So does it mean I can earn per hour 30 pounds and that is not a problem? 
    @Piter hi,
    You can work and claim LCWRA but if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA then you could be reassessed early and the decision could go against you. If you start working then you must report the changes onto your journal.
    I can not work with group of people or do it anuthing like a production due to physical problems but deliver food sometimes and only if I feel that I can manage is preety simple and I am working on my own, even can have my wife on the passanger seat to feel more comfortable. 
    always can finish even after one drop and back any time no pressure and any stress regarding normal work that I am unable to cope with. So this will be basically a big challange but I want to belive I will be able to do this job, feels usless by sitting home for last 2 years, and can't even get private treatment with spine because this treatments are horrible with the price. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited December 2021
    Piter said:
    calcotti said:
    No limits on how many hours you work or how much you earn.
    So does it mean I can earn per hour 30 pounds and that is not a problem? 
    As advised, there are no limits on the number of hours worked or the amount earned. If you can earn £30/hour, good luck to you.
  • Piter
    Piter Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    calcotti said:
    "there are no limits on the number of hours worked or the amount earned"
    Hi I am back and I have a question since I write here a first time. I have had a phone call with offer for a job in a very very small place and assemble remotes for hospital beds and panels for same beds. It is a half a mile away from my home, my wife can get me there so I have no issue with transport because it starts at 8:30 AM. finished at quarter past 5 PM. an hour paid break. Obviously I don't know if I will cope with that or pain in my back allowed me to do this for this nearly 9 hours. I know most of the reason for LCWRA and PIP are my mental condition (PTSD, Impulsive Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder) as they all together aren't best idea to be between people and work. Citizens Advice didn't say anything clear how it is looks like. I moved from Whitby to Selby are ( Whitley ) and here I haven't got support with council tax and bills are bigger than it use to be about 70% more. So there is a question, shall I accept full time? - company are happy with my health problems and disability and they are happy to adjust themselves. But I am worried about loosing right to have LCWRA and PIP. 
    I'll appreciate your help. 

    Sorry for my English as it is not my first language. 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    We can’t advise you whether you should accept the job or whether this work would contradict the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA. This is because we don’t know exactly how your conditions affect you or the reasons why you were found to have LCWRA. 
    If you do start work you need to report the changes onto your journal.
    You will also need to report the changes to your local authority and your council tax reduction will be recalculated.

  • Piter
    Piter Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I don't have council tax reduction, my PIP and LCWRA in my local council means that we are not eligible already to council tax support. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Piter said:
    I don't have council tax reduction, my PIP and LCWRA in my local council means that we are not eligible already to council tax support. 

    PIP isn't means tested so this shouldn't be taken into consideration when calculating your CTR. Having said that, they shouldn't be taking into consideration the LCWRA element of your UC either.
  • Piter
    Piter Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Unfortunately rules now has changed. Every council can make their own scheme. And this one tak into account everything apart from PIP. 
    My wife has a carer element in UC, I have LCWRA plus housing element and one child plus usual allowance from UC. Everything gave over 320 per week and this is amount that does not qualify for reduction. They even say that they are not accepted disability to reduce from B to A Band.