Fears about Coronavirus

shnwttn Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
Hey all,

I’m guessing I am not alone in this and others are feeling the same, but I am really struggling with the current Coronavirus pandemic.

I am not really concerned about the virus myself but the whole uncertainty of it is causing me tremendous anxiety. Not knowing if I will be able to source food or medication, concerns at the possibility of lawlessness if we go into lockdown and having to protect myself and my home, having to consider losing my home and income amongst many other concerns.

I also have grave concerns at the possibility of losing my family to the virus. My grandmother died around 18 months ago which left me considering suicide for several months. When she died I found myself kind of shutting down, struggling to conduct my daily life, not involving myself in social situations, staying in one room for days at a time, not eating or sleeping, etc. Over the last week or so I have found myself falling into this routine again and whilst I’m not actively considering suicide, I am struggling to see a future especially considering all the uncertainty and do not feel I would survive if another family member was to die.

I am not entirely sure why I’m posting this, perhaps hoping for advice or to hear I am not alone in feeling like this.


  • Lorne_Enable
    Lorne_Enable Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected
    Good morning,

    This is certainly a scary, confusing time and I'm sorry to hear your mental health is being impacted. I know this is something a lot of us are experiencing, so you're definitely not alone in feeling this way.

    I am looking to speak with some mental health charities today to find out their advice on how to best care for feelings of anxiety, worry, and depression. Do you have any questions you would like me to try and get answered? The feature will be posted on the Enable Magazine website and I will add the link here, too, as and when it is ready.

    I hope this can help you, even in a small way. 

  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @shnwttn

    I'm really sorry to hear about your grandmother, this has clearly and understandably affected you and it's understandable that you have worries about how you might cope if someone else you know dies - but it's interesting to note that you have indeed survived this awful event already once, so the likelihood is that you could do so again, perhaps give yourself some credit for your resilience?  

    The only potentially helpful thing I can suggest is to focus on the things you can control, for example:
    • Washing your hands regularly
    • Reducing contact with others and suggesting loved ones do the same if they are not already doing so [even if they don't feel they are in the vulnerable group they can still pass on the virus]
    • Getting in some medication if possible
    • Planning for the event that you can't get out ie freezer meals, tinned soup etc.
    Worrying about who might get it, lawlessness etc is fruitless because you can't ultimately control those things yourself... The government is going to have to address people's concerns re money and companies are already talking about freezing mortgage payments or energy bill payments etc.

    So the question to keep asking of every worry you have is "can I control this?" - if so, "what can I do?" 

    If not - in the words of Frozen "let it go"... and focus on something positive. 

    Can you reframe the idea of having to go into lockdown eg can it be used to sort all those piles of papers in the corner, sorting out your clothes, doing deep clean of where you live or sorting out a 'dumping ground' cupboard, learning a language, take up mindfulness [GREAT for low mood and plenty of free stuff online eg www.franticworld.com], reading a book, watching that series you've been meaning to watch for ages etc?

     I hope that helps - you are definitely not alone.

    Best wishes.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    You're definitely not alone in how you're feeling @shnwttn. I think most of us share your concerns and because the situation is so unprecedented, no one knows exactly what may happen. 
    But I think throughout all of this, it's really important to be kind to yourself and it's good you've been able to acknowledge how you're feeling rather than bottling it up. 

    The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy put together an article on coping with anxiety around the Coronavirus that you may find helpful at Coronavirus anxiety: how to cope if you’re feeling anxious about the outbreak (BACP)

    And the mental health charity Mind has some resources and information on taking care of your wellbeing during this time at Coronavirus and your wellbeing (Mind)
  • shnwttn
    shnwttn Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Thank you for your responses.

    As I’ve said, I am not concerned if I was to contract the virus. I am at peace so to speak with my own mortality it’s losing mother to it. She is extremely unwell with ongoing physical illnesses so is more susceptible to this virus. I only have her and my sister left in my family so losing either of those would make not want to go on living.

    I guess ultimately whilst there is the uncertainty, especially with the seeming lack of action being taken by our government, I am going to continue to be fearful.
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    Hi @shnwttn
    Your worry is understandable re your mum, I hope she can stay safe and minimise her chances of getting this thing - that's all she and you can do really.  Hopefully if people take mass action we can knock this thing on the head sooner rather than later...
    Best wishes.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @shnwttn. How are you getting on? It's a difficult time for all of us. 
  • shnwttn
    shnwttn Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Hello @shnwttn. How are you getting on? It's a difficult time for all of us. 
    Still struggling quite badly as I’m sure a lot of us are.

    My concerns are being made worse with the seeming lack of any real action by the government, the fact that many are acting  in contravention of the government advice and are not taking said advice as seriously as they should be.

    I also struggle to see a future that isn’t bleak and precarious, with every eventuality seeming worse than last with all resulting in loss, hardship and devastation.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @shnwttn, just wanted to check in to see how you were getting on. :)
  • AlexW_Scope
    AlexW_Scope Scope Posts: 223 Empowering
    Hi, we have tried to pull together some online resources which we hope may help https://www.scope.org.uk/advice-and-support/mental-health-and-coronavirus/. Please take a look and let us know what you think. Stay safe and well, Alex
  • EmmaB
    EmmaB Online Community Member Posts: 263 Empowering
    So pleased @AlexW_Scopeto see that you have started with the fact that whatever people are feeling right now about what is going on that "this is a normal reaction."

    I think there is a tendency nowadays for GPs/psychiatrists/medical personnel to pathologise [then medicate...] normal reactions and it's especially important to realise that feeling anxious or demotivated or whatever you are feeling is perfectly normal but as you point out there are ways of trying to manage those feelings.

    I think it's also worth celebrating disabled people's resilience at this time as I think in a lot of ways we are used to being restricted in going out, having to be organised and finding our own entertainment.  Maybe you can think of other ways you've managed to adapt to the situation better than your non disabled peers?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @shnwttn    Pleased to meet you.

    Sorry to hear your suffering a lot.

    Please may I suggest look at these mental health charities.

    I used all three have anxiety disability . Used everything they have taught me then I try to pass on to members.

    I have written before a  number of posts to cope with any mental health issues.

    I am aware the Coronavirus is causing emotion and distress , I do understand and do know using the relaxation techniques and session s information provisionally provided helped me a lot.




    All offer floating support advice on mental health issues.

    Help you with benefits and welfare and anything else.

    Your not alone with the thoughts feelings you have.

    I am sorry about the death of your Grandmother if you ever need to talk to some one this charity is useful to contact.


    Bereavement charity .  Always some one to chat or talk to.

    Helpline 0808 808 1677

    If I can help you wished to know anything please get in touch.

    Please take care and safe.
