House-bound but can longer get shopping delivered

jacksprat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
edited March 2020 in Everyday life
I was living an independent "life", with my weekly shopping delivered by Sainsbury's and cleaners visiting as needed.  This just changed:  Sainsbury's stopped all deliveries until I passed the tests in

which I failed as I have no underlying illnesses that are made worse by covid-19;  I am "just" disabled, can't walk, only leave my house in a wheelchair or ambulance.  As a result I was forced to reach out to my local council.  Who can tell whether they have the resources to help me.

I am sure that the other supermarkets will likewise subcontract their vetting of who needs help with deliveries to this HMG covid-19 site.

I am sure that I am not alone in this matter;  or maybe it's just me under this bus!



  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead
    edited March 2020

    It seems like you've really fallen through the cracks there @jacksprat. Do you have any other supermarkets close by to you? Many others are opening up numerous extra slots over the course of the day to accommodate the massive surge in demand. We have a thread about this (Priority supermarket delivery slots) that might be useful.

    There are also some local organisations who are coordinating volunteers to help get food to people who are unable to go to supermarkets. You can try Covid Mutual Aid.

  • jacksprat
    jacksprat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    @Cressida Sainsbury's aren't good at contacting customers:  they said that they were contacting vulnerable customers, but nothing arrived.  Then today they refused ALL orders until the HMG criteria were met.  I failed.  Not ill.
  • jacksprat
    jacksprat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    @Adrian_Scope Thanks.  I am registered with most of the local supermarkets, but I suspect others will follow the Sainsbury's lead,  The pressure on Asda was so intense that there was a waiting list just to look at the site!

    I will explore  the covidmutualaid web site
  • jacksprat
    jacksprat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    @Cressida thanks for the info.   I remember driving!  Sadly, I am stuck in a northern "industrial" city.  Not on Facebook/Twitter;  I just get lost in those general-purpose social sites.  As I don't meet the criteria for self-isolation, I am not expecting to hear from goverment initiatives.  The local council sounded like they might be able to help.  I used to have cleaners, but they are at home these days.

    I was just so angry.  My last EVER Sainsbury's monster delivery arrives tomorrow.  After that I will tape up the front door and return to whatever I was doing before this fiasco.
  • Kit_
    Kit_ Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    Hi I'm not sure where you're from but you might be able to find help here

    I do feel like lots of people have forgotten about many groups of disabled people and, as good as the effort to help those isolating because they are high risk is, there are huge gaps in the support being offered.
  • jacksprat
    jacksprat Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Apparently I was not alone in raising this issue:  the BBC business news had an article: which also highlights the problems of disabled, sight-impaired etc being overlooked in the rush to cater for people isolated at home because of covid-29,

    I managed to get a Tesco delivery for 16 April, so goodbye Sainsbury's forever.  Of course, Tesco can change its policy on deliveries whenever they want.

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @jacksprat   Pleased to meet you.

    Sorry to hear what your experiencing.

    I know myself been on TESCO website early around 5am this morning as am aware of need to plan ahead.

    I do have sympathy for every one who has applied the Government website.

    I am on my own and disabled am vulnerable have mental health .

    This is not covered exempt from applying turned me down.

    I would advise and suggest if you can happy to help here.

    If and when you get your delivery ask me to advise on freezing any of it in to meals.

    If think you can do that have the recipes . I know every one ability in the kitchen is different to mine, although have standing issues fingers missing.

    Make small portions of meals to freeze which pads out the freezer.

    Take away favourites.

    One useful tip is to create a stock list of every food product, grocery item and use this for reference.

    This includes personal household items.  Then if another shop know what you need to plan and be organised.

    No need to buy that item already have it.

    Like the Supermarkets do. Done this for since setting up home.

    One other further tip use some other websites you may not realise sell grocery .

    They sell a variety of multiple offers if you can afford it. Do single items as well to deliver next month you have to enrol sign up.

    Useful to know, done this for a long time means have a order of regular kitchen, household items .

    Offer a scheme called subscribe and save, on many items.

    Buy the essesntial the ones you use each month then get these delivered if you so wish with

    Things like Toilet Rolls, Kitchen Towels, Washing Up Liquid, so on.

    I know your angry annoyed but every one has to be patient, tolerence a priority.

    Reassure you and be calm this is a serious situation we are in at this precise moment.

    At this time all of us are in a anxious state, scared and need to realise the most important members of our Community be may suffering.

    We need to be appreciative of our NHS teams and services. The Delivery drivers of supermarkets whom I have considered many friends.

    Only are they in a difficult position but also are over worked and stressed I can imagine from all the deliveries.

    One has to be clapping praising all involved.

    Our Community Champions and the Team of SCOPE are here to be supportive and please ask anything we can help with.

    Use other supermarkets as suggested.

    I use TESCO  a lot reason may I add delivery drivers compassionate with our community.

    Lifeline for me, used new one OCADO

    Great as well to deal with.

    Please I add following organisation have a lot support in the community.

    I have also the following links may be useful.

    Welfare and community in a crisis.

    Please take care and safe.


  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 625 Pioneering
    edited March 2020

    It seems like you've really fallen through the cracks there @jacksprat. Do you have any other supermarkets close by to you? Many others are opening up numerous extra slots over the course of the day to accommodate the massive surge in demand. We have a thread about this (Priority supermarket delivery slots) that might be useful.

    There are also some local organisations who are coordinating volunteers to help get food to people who are unable to go to supermarkets. You can try Covid Mutual Aid.

    Adrian, any news on a campaign been started about this? there is going to be many falling through the cracks with this policy.

    From the bbc below.

    "Supermarkets will also use a government database of 1.5 million vulnerable shoppers in England to help prioritise delivery slots."

    So they using the virus vulnerable list that is compiled from diagnosis and age only, which will exclude many housebound disabled people.

    My sister is on this and she even said its a flawed idea, she has a husband and her kids who can buy food for her "and" she is able bodied. 
  • sheZZa
    sheZZa Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    i received a text nearly two weeks ago from Sainsbury’s stating that I was on their vulnerable list and could use their online shopping facility. I placed an order which totalled £98.00. When the order arrived more than half was missing as it was out of stock. The final total was £52.00
    Just because you can do an online shop doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to get what you ask for. I naively thought that my shopping problem was solvrd But was proved wrong very quickly. I’m s not worth all the hassle x
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    A suggestion: I've gone online to amend my order the evening before it's due. Where an item was out of stock where possible I looked for an alternative, or took the items off the list. I received 95% of my order last night, & was grateful I had food delivered to my door. There are ways around this. :)
  • sheZZa
    sheZZa Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    I did say that I would be happy to have an alternative but the items I required were not in stock at all so there was no way round it. Hence I only received part of my order. I too was grateful for what I did receive but I still had to look elsewhere. Solutions aren’t always that simple..! 
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 625 Pioneering
    I noticed wiltshire farm food seem unaffected in my area, 3rd april i could get a delivery but since i still stuff in my freezer to eat I didnt place an order.  I expect because most able bodied people have never heard of them, I was told about them by my carers.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 625 Pioneering
    Asda have reduced access to slots for the next 7 days only, so its getting harder. 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @worried33   Only suggestion look at other supermarkets in your area.

    Went on TESCO website lots of slots.

    Have to say might have to get up early or stay up late.

    Please just a suggestion, I had to.

    5am TESCO shop.

    We all have our favourites as mental illness means like same routine people and adapting hard acceptance a difficult one.

    There are supermarkets like OCADO who may be in your area.

    Have put lists of supermarkets websites again if these are in your area.

    Do on line shop with them , brilliant and responsive get text coming and lovely drivers.

    Kind supportive many my age.  Chatty .

    Some of the drivers from the supermarkets are not.

    TESCO ladies and Gents eleven out of ten as most of them are.

    Simple tip make a stock list create what you need but put on it really easy things you can freeze make in to meals expands groceries.

    I have put lots on the forum happy to suggest .

    Even Tins Soup and Beans can be expanded to last longer.

    Stock cubes vegetables and spices herbs.

    Sausages out of skins diced and made in to mince or meatballs.

    All Chicken shredded and diced.

    As with any meat makes it last longer.  

    Have tubs freezer with vegetables can buy diced Soup mixtures or make your own.

    Have tubs all the time.  Onions, Leeks, Celery, Carrots chunky and ready to go with anything or a soup.

    Add Passata Red Wine Vinegar  few dried herbs .  Or spices.

    Freeze all bread buy buns, rolls, muffins, crumpets if no bread useful breakfast topped with Eggs or Beans.

    Please if I can help further please ask.

    Please take care and safe.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 625 Pioneering
    edited April 2020
    I have obviously been trying all the supermarkets with frequency.  Demand is higher in some areas than others, in some areas its practically impossible.
  • Bridget14
    Bridget14 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    With so many people having difficulties gaining access to deliveries etc any chance Scope could set up a page allowing people to add charities etc acting in each area?
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @worried33   Thank you for reply I know there are still problems.

    Please may I suggest looking at AMAZON then .

    They have a departments food pantry and Grocery.

    Often every day items . Have retailers Morrisons on their website also one other lots of choices get next day delivery.

    Actually waiting now for some grocery items delivery .

    Because could not get them on line supermarkets or not available.

    I would advise join.  Prime Account.

    Add to that sell anything you wish to household and other stuff.

    Look at that.

    I buy the following if you interested beans and pulses tinned tomatoes, Pasta Curry pastes, sauces. My Pasta my Italian ingredients .

    Porridge, Cereal.  Tinned products and lots more with discounts.

    Subscribe and save schemes as well .

    Any thing useful seasons spices, plus they have an organic Butchers .

    Need to say are very good value, for your freezer.

    There are some suppliers obviously unavailable but it is worth looking.

    One other my friend @Geoark has given this link on another post.

    I noted it down because useful.

    Went on last night amazing prices and quality of meat do deliver . Do Deli meals and deliver .

    I hope that gives some more help to you.

    I have to add there are markets out there you can look at on line.

    I do this  a lot. As long have debit or credit card Pay pal.

    Lots of food suppliers on line all sorts .

    Make some notes I do this a lot, type in Butchers lots of those do deals and cheaper if you have the time to sit and make some time to surf.

    I have another one.

    Holland and Barrett do food health types but it is still something to consider.

    I buy spices dried herbs and any products Pulses Beans and grains for stores. Dried fruit Breakfast items.

    Another sources is look locally do they deliver . Green grocers, Butchers House hold.

    When spending a lot of my time finding out what is available . Organisations charities and associations.

    Did you know some areas a box schemes are available set up by charities have to look locally your areas.

    Means get weekly veg fruit for a price delivered.

    Hope that gives some more help and support.

    Please if I can help further.

    Please get in touch.


  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 625 Pioneering
    I cant break down those big thick amazon delivery boxes.  They too strong for me to break down. Also look at their pantry now, its almost nothing there, they barely sell anything anymore.  As I said before Morrison's have no service for me.  I dont think its a fair solution to expect me to keep trying this every day, it just increases my stress and makes my health worse, the solution is for government to wake up and sort something out for people like me.

    musclefood looks interesting though, thank you for that suggestion.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    edited April 2020
    Hello @Bridget14   Thank you for the suggestion .

    Good ideas.

    Please you can contact the team.

    I think it would help many members.

    Good to do because many are missing out and been not aware of lots of help available.

    Because adding constantly as I do find out a lot researching for information, advice guidance on a number of problems members do have.

    Trying to inform every one and need to explain , some essential things and aspects of every day living you can do.

    I hope that you are coping well if you need anything answers or solution.

    Any problems please ask me tag me in.

    So always have time for every one . In this situation we all in together.

    Pleasure to help and be supportive.

    Please take care and safe.


  • Kit_
    Kit_ Online Community Member Posts: 31 Connected
    I would suggest looking on facebook, you don't need an account to search for a page and you could try searching using the 1st part of your post code or your area and "support" or "coronavirus/covid-19" to find one near you. The page for my area has a list of all local businesses who are delivering, including greengrocers and restaurants who are doing takeaways, and how to contact them. Lots of local businesses have really stepped up and are doing free delivery and offering special services like meals for people who need them.