
antc Community member Posts: 41 Connected
edited June 2020 in PIP, DLA, and AA
hi... ive been going through the process of pip for my hearing loss.  i emailed capita who was doing the over phone assessment that i couldn't take the call has cannot hear on phones was told they would find an alternative and contact me in future about how they can assess me. a few days later i had a voicemail which i asked a friend to listen to and they said it was DWP for pip and to ring back which my Friend did.. the girl started asking my friend questions like could i was.. prepare food and my friend was repeating to me what they said.. my friend said I'm applying for pip for my earing loss and that was it they said bye and hung up.. so asked like 3 questions and nothing about my disability.. i have now had the Letter about the outcome saying ive ive  declined.. its an outrage has how can they asses me over the phone when someone was acting for me and never asked about why i am claiming pip.. so im guessing i can make a mandatory reconsideration and would that be over the phone with someone speaking for me or by letter.. if by letter do i need the mandatory reconsideration form or write on plain paper..any advice is appreciated thanks


  • antc
    antc Community member Posts: 41 Connected
    its communication and engaging with people.. I scored 2 points... how they can come to that conclusion over the phone when i cannot take the call and someone did for me. its beyond me .. for someone who wears two earing aids and struggles with communication and engaging with others... they never even asked about that in the assessment.. thanks anyway
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,487 Championing
    Hi @antc - Whilst a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) is usually the way forward, your lack of an assessment was abysmal. An acceptable alternative for you to fully participate in an assessment wasn't found, & your friend helping you only to be questioned on 3 aspects of daily living only is not acceptable.
    I would consider first asking your friend to contact the DWP (contact number should be in your decision letter) on your behalf to explain, & say you want an assessment that you can fully engage in. If this isn't helpful, say that you want a statement of their reasons in writing to explain how their decision was made.
    You can still do a MR, but asking for their statement of reasons also buys you a little more time in which to do so. A MR is best done in writing, but I would try contacting the DWP first as you didn't have a proper assessment.