OT assessment, can I fight this?

clarelou87 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi i have had an ot assessment done back in February where they decided that I couldn't have adaptions done as would cost over the grant I would get. Our shed is connected to neighbours shed so they would have to repair his. I think they are making excuses. Anyway I have to move but we need a 3 bed bungalow or a 3 bed house with dining room and downstairs toilet. The other option was a 2 bed house with dining room and downstairs toilet. Well where I am there is no 3 bed bungalows. There is also no properties that are suitable for me. Im happy where I live ive lived here for 5 years now. Can i fight this as they wont give me a stair lift either my health is detoriating to the point I have to sleep downstairs most nights. I have a commode but hate using it. They want me to have independence but are making me move out of my home of 5 years any advice would be great xx


  • clarelou87
    clarelou87 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi frustrated angry. The shed would have to be removed in order for them to do an extension they are saying. Its connected with next door so if they take it down they would have to repair his plus we have a joint walkway with him. Its hard to explain without taking photos 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing

    Im not trying yo be harsh but I think you need to think of your needs rather than your wishes and that you may have to make compromises to make your daily living a bit easier. 

    Surely it would be better that you can go to the toilet in a bathroom and have your own bedroom rather than maybe a dining room.

    Unfortunately there are not too many bungalows around with 3 bedrooms and dining room, there will be some but maybe more in the private market or private rent
  • clarelou87
    clarelou87 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi its the occupational therapists that have decided this. We can't private rent as adaptions can't be done and no security. There is no 3 bed bungalows so they said my next option would be a 2 or 3 bed house they turn dining room into a bedroom as i have to have ground floor bedroom toilet wet room. They just decided to say house aint suitable after 5 years of being here you have to move but they haven't realised there is no properties x