newish member

sakinah Community member Posts: 14 Connected
hi there,

my name is sakinah and I have been a member for a while but have not really been on this site very much, but since I have got a new gift for a computer from my partner I can now easily come online. and get more involved.  I would love to get to know people in the same situation as myself and give advise support and feedback on this site.

I have end stage kidney failure and on dialysis, I also have osteomalacia and arthritis, with depressive disorder, bipolar and severe hearing disorder, so quite a complex variety of medical issues, so you can imagine how I can be to live with lol. anyway, I welcome anyone who wishes to post me messages and anything else.  im still new and learning to navigate the site so bare with me if I go away for a while or find it difficult in certain areas of the site.l

I do love to write, but I have not exactly practiced it at all yet, ive been to creative writing courses, iam also a trained secretarial admin, but unfortunately for many uy=years my medical conditions have held me back from achieving a lot of what I want to do with my various ambitions, I love sci fi
 stuff, and conspiracy theories.  I love to give my views, especially with those who are vulnerable and disabled, so I look forward to make many post hopefully and receiving post etc.


sakinah x<3


  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Community member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    @sakinah thankyou for sharing your story with us. I'm Tammy one of the volunteer community champions here on the site if you need a chat just message me and I'm happy to help. I read above that you are good and enjoy writing, I doing do it professionally I just journal alot to distract me from physical pain and find it can be useful.
    Hope to speak soon, stay safe. 
  • Tammyjane33
    Tammyjane33 Community member Posts: 755 Pioneering
    *sorry I made a mistake above.
    I ment I don't write professionally I just enjoy writing in my journal and do creative writing sometimes. 
  • sakinah
    sakinah Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    hey tammy,

    thanks for getting back to me so quickly, i used to journal too alot but i always stopped half way and never finished them, that just a thing with me starting and never finish have to get round that lol, anyway know you mentioned it i think i download an app on my desktop and start again it used to be so refreshing i just have to find a routinely quite time to do it all the time and continue with it, it would end up being about ten volume books lool !!  i also would like to share my experience on here to in the discussion groups etc and help share advice etc and make friends.

    you know what its a shame they dont have chat rooms it would be great to chat to people all over the world in the same predicaments and be able to relate so much to each other in so many areas either in one general room or many variety rooms depending on their medical needs and issuses what you think, you seem quite experienced on her as a champion  o:):).

    i look forward to more contact with you at any time feel free to message me for anything you need or advise etc.
    take care

    Redsapphire (sakinah) x  <3 
  • steve51
    steve51 Community member Posts: 7,122 Championing
    Hi @sakinah

    Good Morning & Welcome it’s great to meet you today.

  • serenity2
    serenity2 Community member Posts: 248 Empowering
    Hi @sakinah
    what good news that your partner bought you a wonderful gift, and now you can venture on here...I’ve not been here that long, it seems a great space to write things down and be understood ...
    sorry to hear of your struggles. Hope being around here goes some way into making life a little better for you ...
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @sakinah Welcome to the community great to have you join us.

    I would love t write too, I did start a book years ago about my personal journey but didnt pursue it, may be something I should take up again and boy would I have a lot of content lol

    Have a good weekend and come and say hi anytime
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Community member Posts: 7,879 Championing
    Welcome to the community @sakinah :)
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,349 Championing
    Hi @sakinah - & welcome back! It will be great if you can get more out of the community, & it sounds like you have a lot to offer too, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. Have you tried our virtual 'Coffee lounge,' which you might enjoy. There's a link to this right at the top of the page. Come here & chat any time, & I look forward to seeing you on the forum. :)
  • sakinah
    sakinah Community member Posts: 14 Connected


  • Chloe_Scope
    Chloe_Scope Scope Posts: 10,511 Championing
    Welcome to the community, hope to see you around! :)