PIP: losing mobility points

alien62 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited July 2020 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I've been on pip awhile now,but three years ago got enhanced rate on both Dailey living and mobility.ive severe COPD.
I find it hard to get about so stupid me went and got a mobility car,and it opened up my life so much,but little did I know that it would be taken away on my next reassessment,leaving me housebound.
The dwp still have me enhanced rate Dailey living but deducted two points off my mobility so I had to return the car,as the question plan and carry out a journey unaided had those points taken away leaving me just the ten points on how far I can walk.
Motorbility state single drivers,a person to drive you is fine and  I used the car exactly as it's supposed to be used and for the right reasons,but that doesn't matter.you get penalised because you don't then meet the plan and carry out a journey unaided question.
Why let you get a car then at the first opportunity snatch it away from you.
Disabled people deserve a life ,but this shows they don't want you to have on,by taking away your help and life in one fail swoop.
I've now got to wait months now for an expensive tribunal to beg for my car back.
We're just easy targets to save money, and who cares how ill with the stress and anxiety they heap on you makes you.
It's all flawed and biased ,and as for mandatory reconsideration decisions.unjust and mostly wrong as proved by so many tribunal cases overturned.
Disabled in UK are treated like dirt and it's wrong.
Don't get a mobility car if single unless your prepared to get unwell and can stomach a long fight to get it back.


  • serenity2
    serenity2 Online Community Member Posts: 248 Empowering
    Hi @alien62
    welcome to you.
    Oh I’m so sorry this happened to you in respect of the mobility car, how awful, it seems so mean...
    the last thing we need is to be having to fight tooth and nail to get something ..the exhaustion feels like too much...The support to help in these cases isn’t always there, but I know of some who have successfully overturned decisions, with the help of their local MP...although I am also aware the thought of a fight To get what is rightfully your entitlement Is sometimes too much for many to be able to bare...In my opinion the DWP realise this can be the case ?

    I wish you well 
    lit helps us to be able to write it down and say how we feel. 
    This feels like a good space to do just that ! 

  • alien62
    alien62 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thanks serenity2
    Your right and thanks for your comment we are all in this constant battle to get the things were entitled to.thanks so much for your kind comments.it makes me feel better knowing people actually understand how it all feels.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @alien62 Welcome to the community, I am sorry you have lost your enhanced rate and as a result lost your car.

    Unfortunately this is always a risk of having a car on mobility scheme, I think it is much wiser to use the money to purchase a car privately at least then the car is yours and cant be taken away.

    I hope you win your tribunal to get it back but if you do seriously consider getting your own car.

    If you need any support or advice regarding your tribunal just let us know

    I do understand your frustration and anger as I have too been through a tribunal
  • steve51
    steve51 Online Community Member Posts: 7,121 Championing
    Hi @alien62

    Good Afternoon & Welcome it’s great to meet you today.

    I’m one of a team of Community Champion’s here at Scope.

    Sorry to hear about your current struggles/problems.

    We have a number of senior members who will be able to offer you some help/advice.

     Hi @Adrian_Scope Hi @Chloe_Scope

    Can you both please offer some help with this post!!!!!

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,687 Championing
    Hi @alien62 - & welcome to the community from me too. I'm very sorry to read of your struggles, & losing your car on top of that must have felt like a blow.....I know we have had several people on Scope that have had the same thing happen unfortunately.
    However, we are all here to support you the best thing we can, & see if we may help you in getting the enhanced rate of motability again. So, have you asked for a Mandatory Reconsideration (MR), & did you put this in writing?
    If you haven't seen them before, then it might be worth looking at this list of descriptors, & where points may be gained. See: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/Scores-for-PIP-Descriptors-2020.pdf
    Please also look at the notes at the end of the link, especially the concept of 'reliably.' Perhaps you might see where you may gain those important 2 points.
    Any tribunal will not be expensive, it could even be judged on all the evidence that has been sent. If there is still thought a need to ask you further questions, then currently this will be by phone (tho later it will probably be that you would appear in person). The most important thing to get across now with a MR, or tribunal, is how your disability affects your function in doing/attempting any activities. It's a good idea to give a couple of examples for any activity that applied at the time of your assessment, as to exactly why you had problems, what happened, how was it difficult, what was the result, how did you feel afterwards? .....& could you do it 'reliably.'
    I've been through the PIP process too, as have many here, & we know how difficult it can be, but it can be done, in your case again! :)