If you could do any job regardless of disability



  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited September 2020
    @RAwarrior I will try to watch it over the next few evenings, I like watching stuff in the evening to relax - this sounds like a perfect thing to watch, thanks :) of course I will let you know what I think of it :)
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering

    I also like to watch relaxing programmes in the evening because I have very bad sleeping problems so I try to watch programmes which won’t cause me to have nightmares. 

    Unfortunately I am someone who starts worrying in the evening when I need to try to switch off however, anxiety is something which is always worse for me late at night because I find it difficult to stop worrying when I should be relaxing.

     I hope you like the series?
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Sorry to hear about the sleeping problems and yes I understand what you mean completely. I’m sure you also have been told or discovered this already, but the thing with getting to sleep is the more you think you need to get to sleep, the more you will not be able to. Then there is the whole thing with worry where the more you try to not think about something, the more you think about it (i.e. if I say “do not think about a kangaroo” you immediately think about one). Like you I find watching something in the evening is the best way to switch off. I‘m lucky not to have bad sleeping problems or nightmares but do have trouble with obsessive thoughts before going to sleep and find it works for me.
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering

    Thank you very much for your kind words and support?

    I am just worn out with having to constantly repeat myself because I am not being listened to so I am going round in circles?

    When I have spoken to anyone on the phone recently they have detected the anxiety in my voice straight away, but despite this when I have to deal with work issues, my anxiety levels are ignored. So complete strangers can hear that I am anxious!
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Hi @RAwarrior

    I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

    I watched some of the first episode last night and I liked it, it’s really informative and entertaining. :smiley: There were lots of things I didn’t know especially that a lot of Roman roads are still roads today!!
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering
    Hi @66Mustang,

    I am not great but thank you for asking me?

    I’m glad you liked the programme. I knew about Watling Street.

    I thought the Roman road in the basement of the tattoo shop was amazing?
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Sorry you are not feeling too good today @RAwarrior

    I’ve been struggling too recently

    I am just taking one day at a time at the moment, I don’t know if that would work for you or if you prefer to think about the future?
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering

    Thank you so much for your support?

    I’m sorry to hear that you also struggling as well?

    I understand about you taking one day at a time, however, I struggle to do that because of my anxiety I constantly speculate about what might or could happen? However, to be fair when I have speculated I have usually had good reason to worry.

     I noticed on the Versus Website which is the arthritis charity which I am sure you have heard of that this week is National Inclusion Week. Unfortunately because of my work situation I don’t feel included at all?

    I know it’s wishful thinking but I wish some people would realise the problems they cause disabled people like me when they refuse to follow the Equality Act 2010.

    I hope you feel better and please let me know if I can help?
  • Eamesy88
    Eamesy88 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    I would love to work within the Senco sector. I find parts of it so fasinating
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I agree with you there @Eamesy88! Also, welcome to the community. :)
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing

    Yes that makes sense about speculating. Sorry to hear about the work situation, I agree that is what the Equality Act is there to stop happening :|.

    I hope it's not long before you reach a solution with your workplace. Have you thought about moving to a more disability friendly workplace? Then again I suppose if you left your current job then it could be seen as letting them win.

    Thanks for the support and well wishes, I really appreciate it.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited October 2020
    @Eamesy88 I agree that area of work sounds like it can be really interesting at times. :)
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering
    Hi @66Mustang

    The problem is that the Equality Act is being ignored in my case. I am just exhausted from having to repeat myself?

    I have been employed there for a long time and I had managed to do my job despite my physical disabilities. However, the situation deteriorated when my managers allowed me to be bullied and harassed. Unfortunately as I have mentioned before I ended up with mental health issues that I didn’t have before?

    Now they don’t want to support me despite the fact that the problems were caused by them because they allowed the bully to continue bullying and harassing me?
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited October 2020
    @RAwarrior I hope the bully and the people who supported them are eventually brought to account. Anything like this is a very long and drawn out process, with a lot of repetition, isn’t it  :| but I think it is worth seeing it through to the end. I think people want you to give up but you mustn’t, a bit like claiming for PIP I guess?

    On a slightly different note I find it bad that the law allows for people to inflict mental illness on someone. If someone hit you and you break a leg they would be prosecuted for physically injuring you but if someone causes genuine mental harm i.e. inflicts mental injury then there is not much that can be done even though mental issues are just as serious as physical ones!
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering
    Thank you very much for your support. :)

    Unfortunately the bully is teflon coated and his behaviour has been covered up for at least 20 years! He accuses anyone who challenges him of racism when it's not true and he used to make racist remarks all the time. 

    The only way he will ever be brought to account of if someone goes to an Employment Tribunal and as I have said previously, I didn't have the physical or mental strength to do that.

    What he did to me is actually a disability hate crime but it is very difficult to prove.

    Unfortunately I am in this mess because of the fact that I was bullied and harassed for many years. A series of managers covered it up.

    I agree that mental issues are just as serious as physical ones and in my case are worse. I know how to manage my Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis but I am struggling to deal with my mental health.  They have done everything they can to help the bully and even felt sorry for him (and had the nerve to tell me). The bully used to manipulate all of the managers so they would feel sorry for him.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @RAwarrior I’m really sorry to hear that and sorry I don’t have anything productive to suggest. :( Yes that must be very awkward if the bully also has a protected characteristic himself (I’m guessing they do as you mention that he calls racism) and can abuse that to his advantage. The equality laws are meant to be there so we all have an equal chance, it’s sad when people abuse them.
  • RAwarrior
    RAwarrior Online Community Member Posts: 425 Pioneering

    Thank you very much for your support and please don't apologise. The fact that you have taken the trouble to reply and to support me makes a huge difference to me :)   

    I never saw anyone be racist towards him but he accuses anyone who disagrees with him of racism whilst making racist remarks himself. He made nasty remarks about disabled people on a regular basis but management were too scared to challenge him.

    Unfortunately he does a disservice to people who are actually victims of racism who may not be believed. Regardless of what the issue was if anyone disagreed with his behaviour including the extremely vulgar comments he used to make (which everyone including me was supposed to laugh at), if you didn't laugh in his eyes it made you a racist. He used to go into the manager's office and complain all the time. Unfortunately there are consequences to workplace bullying and I am proof of that. I need help to recover which I am not getting even though my mental issues were caused at work.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I am glad to have been able to have done something a little bit useful. :)

    I hope you are able to recover in enough time. Your own well-being is more important than taking the fight to the bully but maybe once you have recovered you will feel able to challenge him?