
hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
edited November 2020 in Everyday life

Hi all 

Hope your well.
I really need help.
Does anyone know if social services 
Can help with emergency housing 
Even if you have a place to go but it's not safe.
Thank you



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing

    It's unlikely they will help with this. Why aren't you safe?
  • RacheleLeahSilvera
    RacheleLeahSilvera Scope Member Posts: 77 Contributor
    Hello and and yes they can but it depends upon the severity of your current living situation, your needs and age.
    I myself have recently been moved in to the care of social services due to my high risk and vulnerability of living with my parent but as I am under 18 and disabled it was straightforward and quick.   
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    I'm over 40 I've been up and down da country  since lockdown 
    I ended up at my parents the same place I left many yrs ago due to abuse  
    My current property is not safe due to disrepair and harrassment  hence  

    I have multiple hralth problems  both physical and mental 
    I'm sick of government not talking housing seriously 
    Its everthing from health to wealth safety and security  bad housing  recks  life's 
  • RacheleLeahSilvera
    RacheleLeahSilvera Scope Member Posts: 77 Contributor
    I am sorry to hear that.
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @hass, how are you today? 

    Sorry to hear about your current situation. Are you safe at the moment and free from the harassment?

    If the place where you live isn't in the best state, have you tried contacting your housing provider about the issue?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi sorry to hear about your situation, if you are at risk then contact your local council housing dept

    If you current priperty is private rent then discuss issues with provider 

    Also maybe contact shelter organisation who may be able to help  
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi all thank you 
    I'm not in private accomadation   I' m in housing association  they are aware of the anti social behaviour  since 2006 to present

    I have been away since the lock down I had no choice I would have died in the flat 

    I have found socilotor  that took a long whille but she not simpathetic I haven't told her about the abuse I've suffered from my family 
    Im 45 yrs old 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,691 Championing
    Hello and and yes they can but it depends upon the severity of your current living situation, your needs and age.
    I myself have recently been moved in to the care of social services due to my high risk and vulnerability of living with my parent but as I am under 18 and disabled it was straightforward and quick.   


    That would have been because you are under 18. When you're an adult, it's a totally different story.
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi   all
    Is there any point in carting on 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    I meant carrying on.
  • Oxonlady
    Oxonlady Scope Member Posts: 563 Pioneering
    Please explain, @hass. Sorry if I'm being a bit dim here.
    Is there any point in carrying on... Life, debate, trying to stay positive? I'm not quite sure what you are referring to? 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Life  I don't wana be around 

    There is nothing postive its dark its   been like this long time 

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @hass

    Sorry you are feeling like this is your situation still the same 

    If you are in immediate danger or thinking of harming yourself please contact the samaritans or 999 for assistance 

    There is support out there to help you 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi I don't need this help .
    I' need to get away from my family 

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,507 Championing
    @hass - perhaps you should have told your solicitor about the abuse you've suffered from your family, then she might have understood that better. There will be a way through this. Please talk at any time to us here; there's usually someone about. Life is important, & there will be positive things. Take care.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Ok I was just concerned with you saying life you didnt want to be around anymore 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Thank you all .
    I'll speak tommorow  xxxx
  • Oxonlady
    Oxonlady Scope Member Posts: 563 Pioneering
    Hi @hass, really sorry to hear this... Of course I don't know your circumstances but I can tell you that ten years ago I managed to move away from the home I shared with a family member who had been abusive towards me for many years. If I hadn't moved away I would have either gone mad or worse. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did. I found myself again, after being brow-beaten for so long.
    At the time, I was assisted by the Council in finding me another flat. 

    It may depend on how old you are and what your circumstances are, as to who could help you. Please explore other avenues. I thought I would never get away but if I could do it, I hope you can too. And once you do, you'll feel very differently. Freedom from abusive people is priceless. I wish I could help you more. I wish you all the best. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    Hi @hass :) I'm also sorry to hear that you're still struggling with your housing situation, and that you're feeling so low. I've sent you an email, so please do give that a read when you get a moment, and let us know if there's anything else we can do to help. 
  • hass
    hass Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    Hi all thank you