Super-Smooth Riding New Cars



  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,102 Championing
    **UPDATE 27/02/2021**

    Hi all,

    Looks like I may need to revisit this due to Covid delays so are there any further ideas?

    I ordered a brand new 'crossover' vehicle on finance at the beginning of Jan but it now looks like it's not going to be ready in time.  This is a massive blow as it looks like I may not find another finance deal the same, and may have to buy used again which I was really hoping to avoid.  On top of that, my stomach problems have worsened again, to the point where I'm having to avoid speed bumps and rough roads even within a 30mph town setting, let alone any further out.  :(
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Damn sorry to hear that @OverlyAnxious :(

    What do you mean by it’s not going to be ready in time? Can you just wait longer or it the case that you lose the deal if it’s not delivered by a certain date?
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,102 Championing
    The factory has been closed for 4 weeks.  And now I'm hearing rumours that it's being extended for another 5 weeks.  I'll be passed my backpay grace period before it's even built let alone delivered, so I'd lose all means tested benefits.  I might have been ok if I could move before then and spend some of the backpay on furniture (as the original plan), would just have lost a chunk of income until the car was ready.  But moving before then seems impossible now too.

    Regarding the deal, they've already suggested that one positive is I could still get it at the old price...seeing as their delay pushed it into the new plate period meaning I should really pay more for it now!  :|  :D
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing
    Would a car be considered deprivation of capital? Especially if you have a good reason as to why you need a brand new one that’s a decent spec?
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,102 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    Would a car be considered deprivation of capital? Especially if you have a good reason as to why you need a brand new one that’s a decent spec?
    Probably.  But that's a bridge I'll have to cross when I get there.   :#

    I'm still over the £16k threshold currently which is why I'd lose ESA/SDP/HB when I reach the end of the grace period if I can't spend at least some of it by then.  I'd just be left with PIP at ~£90 a week.  Yes, I'd have the savings to live off, but would have absolutely no chance at moving without an income, and would have to forget about changing cars.  I'd then have to apply for UC when my savings dropped low enough which seems like further hassle.

    This is mainly caused by the prejudices and resentment of landlords and lettings agents.  I should have been in a more suitable place with safe & reliable fixtures and appliances having spent a chunk of backpay on furniture by now.  :(