Hi @woodbine , my Doctors don't know much about me as the system isn't setup for people like me unfortunately. I'm not able to deal with any sort of medical environment and I'm not able to speak to people face to face or on telephones so we quickly reach an impasse! I have tried writing letters & emails but they always seem to get misunderstood. This time I asked a relative (by email) to visit the GP on my behalf to get something for the nausea, but that just ended with an SSRI prescription for anxiety...woodbine said:@OverlyAnxious hi, only your Doctors can know whats best for you, however what I can say is that following her anorexia our daughter developed really bad OCD and was presricibed Fluoxetine she was 17 and it wasn't supposed to be prescribed for people under 18, however her consultant and GP agreed that it would be ok, and it was.
I wanted to ask if your daughter got any practical help with food at all? I'm convinced that the majority of the current physical issues are caused by food & diet rather than anxiety. I've tried an NHS dietician but all they could do was offer generic leaflets and suggest eating cake! My diet is very restricted due to the combination of problems that I have, but I need someone that can look at what I can eat, and help with portion sizes, potentially suggest similar alternatives (high calorie but low bulk/low sugar) and to design a 7 day menu to spread the calories that I am getting more evenly. I did try asking on an eating disorder site but one of the rules on there was no talking about food which defeated the object for me.