What's for tea tonight!



  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Roast Chicken.
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    Don't know what I'm having tonight my support worker said it smelt like meatballs though 
    We did end up having meatballs with Cheesey garlic bread yesterday 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Nice pork chop today with roast potato's and veg x
  • lillybubblestiger
    lillybubblestiger Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Cub09 said:
    ❤️ I had turkey fillet with garlic, fresh toms, spring onions and jacket spud. 
    Wow sounds yummy and healthy, I’m not a big meat fan so maybe I’d swap the turkey for a veggie option … any ideas anyone ??? 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Fish fingers chips and beans 
  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Leftover Chicken & Stuffing sandwiches with Roast Potatoes.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,015 Championing
    Aubergine and potatoe pakoras, got  left over rice and curry from yesterday 
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,394 Championing
    Vegetable curry and rice.
  • easy
    easy Scope Member Posts: 681 Empowering
    I'm having a home cooked burger with cheese, onion & salad in a soft bread roll.
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Had scotch egg/cheese salad and chips last night

    hopefully do a beef stew for tonight x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I'm making a chicken bacon and mushroom lasagne for tea 
  • bg844
    bg844 Community member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Chicken Wraps.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,015 Championing
    I did pakoras yesterday, so making the yogurt curry that you put the pakoras in. Have to do it in stages now the cooking. 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,015 Championing
    For those who were wondering what it was, here is my yogurt curry and aubergine and potatoe pakora that go in it
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    That looks yummy @Sandy_123
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Change of plan here I made the lasagne but now bf not coming today and toby gf can't make it either so saving it till tomorrow 

    So takeaway instead 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,015 Championing
    Thankyou @janer1967 it's an acquired taste and not in restaurants 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I would try it send me some please @Sandy_123
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,015 Championing
    Aww,  if you lived closer.  I just finished the the rice off with it, i ran out of coriander, need a shop I think 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Thanks for sharing your yoghurt  curry @Sandy_123 - wish i could taste it  :D 

    Having Piri Piri chicken with veggie rice tonight x