
karen1812 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
Hi all had had the great news that Brian will be home on the 8th March. So my question is we are going to claim pip the physio has said he can do the stairs very good but is not allowed to do it without supervision because of balance problems and his impaired vision would that go against him when applying for pip?. As it stands at present he cannot be left alone to do either a hot meal or even make a hot drink we have carers coming in for 6 weeks then stroke out reach to aid his recovery. Any advice would be much appreciated as I have said before this is all new to us.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi again that's great news 

    The ability to do stairs isnt in the PIP desctiptors it only covers walking 

    You also need to bear in mind to be eligible the condition needs to be expected to last at least 9 months so it will depend on what is expected for his long term recovery 
  • karen1812
    karen1812 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Janer1967 from what the discharge team were saying today he has done really well but because of his blance and vision impairment he will still find it difficult to walk un aided and without supervision. His eye sight may never go back to normal but we will no more when he goes to see a eye specialist in April it could be that part of the brain has been damaged anyway what have we got to lose.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Totally agree you have nothing to lose by trying 
  • karen1812
    karen1812 Community member Posts: 60 Connected
    Thank you Mike have read the the notes on the link you gave me am i right when reading about understanding written complex things  if he could not read or right before his condition then they don't score any points because he had that beforehand, brain cannot read or write much but he did get by and he could follow routes before.