DFG awarded but disagree with plans

delcha75 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
I have been lucky enough to be awarded the DFG for my 9 yr old severely disabled daughter however I have been granted approval planning permission architect has been been etc looking at the plans in detail and having gone over this i don’t agree with the layout for various reasons I asked if it could be changed the Local Authority are saying NO, so I took it upon myself to ask 2 building companies separate for their views and quotes and yes it’s doable and cheaper than what the LA had stated as I was going with the LA to complete for me, the LA are now saying if I do myself the project I will have to apply for planning permission again it may not be granted etc I only wanted the bedroom to the rear of the property and not on the front of the property because they want to install a huge fire window so summer time my daughter would have to roast because there is NO WAY I would rest sleep upstairs knowing my daughter is down stairs with access to anyone being on the front and plus noise on the front she will not sleep but they are not budging on this I’ve waited now 3 years as it was granted 3 yrs ago and I’ve battled with it other professional see my point and agree but they do not. I then thought I have been granted that award so if I moved would I be entitled to those funds towards a higher mortgage with downstairs faculties already in place or even a bungalow would be better long term 


  • jojomwah
    jojomwah Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    Did you ever get a solution with this I am in a similar position