Letter regarding my bank details

JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
I received a letter from DWP today about my PIP claim asking me to fill out a form about my bank details for payments. Does this mean I've been awarded something as it doesn't say nothing about the outcome of my claim? 


  • Anomalous123
    Anomalous123 Community member Posts: 21 Connected
    They rang me for bank details, but maybe it's different for everybody? Maybe it's worth a try giving them or ring or getting someone to do it on your behalf to check how your claim is coming along and to see what your entitled to. Maybe it can be done over the phone to make the process quicker?
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    They do normally  call to ask that maybe you can't use the phone or didn't supply a phone number 

    It does usually mean there is a payment due but what that is we can't say as you haven't given much detail 

    Is it a first time claim , have you had an assessment , have you had to appeal etc 

    Fingers crossed you will know soon 
  • JadeC82
    JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
    I'm sure I filled in my account details on the pip form. Yes it's my first time claiming! 
  • JadeC82
    JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
    I've had my assessment too. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    They do normally check to make sure there have been no changes its nothing to worry about 
  • JadeC82
    JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
    Does it mean that I'm entitled to something or not? I'm on more medication now so I will be notifying them. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    JadeC82 said:
    Does it mean that I'm entitled to something or not? I'm on more medication now so I will be notifying them. 
    There no no need to notify them just because you have had changes in medication and you shouldn't. If you tell them about a change it may result in a reassessment.

    You should only tell them if your health changes in such a way that it impacts your ability to carry out the specified tasks and this in turn could lead to an increased post score sufficient to change the award.

  • JadeC82
    JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
    Thank you. 
  • JadeC82
    JadeC82 Community member Posts: 53 Connected
    Thank you Adam I found this information very much detailed and helped me understand a bit more so glad I reached out! ☺️☺️
    POGGYFLOSS Scope Member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Hi,I was asked for them when I called to request the form!
  • M_1967
    M_1967 Community member Posts: 38 Contributor
    I got a letter today too, asking me to confirm my bank details