I've sent my PIP review forms off. How long does it take for the assessment or decision?

Macky47 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
edited April 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi, I sent my Pip review forms 5th March, I received a txt from DWP on 19th March to say they have received forms, how long does it take for assessment or decision? I also received my Pip as normal yesterday but strangely, this might sound daft, but they paid me 8p more, is this due to new Pip rates which started 12th April? Many thx.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome 

    Yes pip has gone up 

    As long as your award hasn't ended you will still be paid until new decision is made 

    You can be waiting a few months for an assessment depends on backlogs in your area 
  • Macky47
    Macky47 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Janer1967. Hi, thank you, my Pip has ended, it got extended until 2022, then a few weeks after being told then review forms landed through the post. Also, could I ask, have they resumed face to face interviews or are they still doing telephone assessments? Many thx.
  • Macky47
    Macky47 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    janer1967, sorry, pip has not ended, made mistake in my reply.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    As above f2f assessments are starting back up but initially they are prioritising people who are waiting as they can't have a phone assessment or dwp haven't been able to make a decision after phone assessment 
  • dmwors
    dmwors Community member Posts: 33 Contributor
    Hi, My award was due to end in January and received extension letter in October, two weeks later the review papers came through to be returned early November. Text message came through 16 March for 31 March. Then another changing to 1st April. Waited an hour 1st April and no call (assessor unwell) so rearranged to today. Assessment took 1 hour 10 minutes. Hope this helps xx
  • niknoo
    niknoo Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    My awarded was extended until December 21 but I got the review forms a few days later. This was January of this year. 

    I sent mine off and exactly 5 weeks later I got a unexpected brown envelope, and panicked I had been turned down, as I hadn’t had an assessment call, nothing. 

    I was re-awarded at the same rate for  4 years. 

    Others in know in my area have been waiting since before Xmas, so timescales are very hit and miss. 

    Some are processed incredibly fast, others aren’t. I hope you don’t have to wait too long. X
  • Macky47
    Macky47 Community member Posts: 46 Connected
    Thank you
  • EceeKay
    EceeKay Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi all. I’m sorry if this is just repeating the same old questions, but I was just looking for a bit of advice? I’ve been receiving PIP for a few years now. I can’t go into detail, but I was involved in the Supreme Court case, known as MM involving social support, so I’m not unfamiliar with the systems and processes. So, long story short, I was awarded PIP for 4 years, which should have taken me to the end of 2022. In Nov I received a letter saying my award had been “extended” to Oct 2021?! In December I then received a review form which had to be returned within 4 weeks. They received my form on the 18th of Dec. On the 20th of Jan I got a text saying “we’ve just received your form”, so it had been passed to a decision maker. Since then, I have heard nothing! No assessment either f2f or by telephone. Given that it’s now almost 6 months since I returned the form, I would have expected to have heard something by now? I’m in Glasgow, in case anyone has had a similar experience? I know it can take a long time to make a decision on a new case, after the f2f, but this was only a review form, and since I’ve not even had an assessment date yet, it’s looking like this could go on even longer. 
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    As you already have an award that still has while to end you have no doubt been put further down the priority list 

    They have huge backlogs of reviews and new claims 

    Also there d8es seem to be long delays with getting assessments and you are not alone waiting this long 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    Everything is taking even longer than usual at the moment. 
    Being told that your award has been extended to October 2021 if the original award was to late 2022 does seem odd. Can’t throw any light on that!
  • EceeKay
    EceeKay Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for the replies. I’ve no idea why the award dates changed, but it does make sense to me that I’ve been bumped down the list because I have an existing award. Oh well, I’ll just wait and see how it goes! Thank you all again. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    EceeKay said:
    Thank you for the replies. I’ve no idea why the award dates changed, but it does make sense to me that I’ve been bumped down the list because I have an existing award. Oh well, I’ll just wait and see how it goes! Thank you all again. 
    May be worth checking with DWP what date they actually have on the system as your existing award end date just so you know when you need a new decision by.
  • EceeKay
    EceeKay Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    That’s a good idea! Thank you. I’ll call them on Monday to ask them. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    If they say October 2020 and that conflicts with your original decision letter you should question it - although I hope you will have a new decision by October anyway.