Autism Acceptance Month Redundancy

SarahMusicMaker70 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
edited April 2021 in Work
Not mentioning their name:
I have been employed by a company for 15 years in total yet I have managed to be made redundant twice now by the same Organisation in less than 3 years, Lucky me!

Long story the first redundancy was after 12 and a half years when the Respite Hospice I worked in closed due to lack of funding which was very sad and shocked us all.

A few months later I managed to get re-employed by the same Company to work at the Children's Respite Hospice unfortunately due to my Adjusted Role since my Autism Diagnosis only 2 years ago followed by Covid-19 hitting the World, I'm being made redundant again at the end of this Month which also happens to be Autism Acceptance Month which is Ironic........Lol I've got to laugh otherwise I would cry.

I am now in the nervous process of starting up my provision of an "Online Therapeutic Music Sessions Business" which will take time to find customers,  I'm applying for work too probably Care work in my local area as I have experience spanning 30 years in various Care settings mainly supporting Adults who have learning disabilities although I would love to not be working shifts anymore alas not much choice with that?
I'm a bit trapped in the Caring profession in a way because obviously Care has to happen around the clock I'm just not getting any younger.
Seriously though I'd love a daytime same set hours every day like an 8 till 4 in Didcot just Monday to Friday......I can dream ? 
Anyhow that's where I am now, Plus feeling quite nervous about the prospect of going back to the normality with crowds.
Of course if everything goes pear shaped I might have to go on Benefits but I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best ? 
I'm independent and live alone so it's quite cathartic to write posts like this, I just hope that no one I know in real life will actually read it? ?


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome 
    Sorry you are being made redundant again 

    Have you thought of going self employed as a carer you can then choose your own clients and hours to suit ? Or maybe a pa 

    Sure others will have some advice too 
  • SarahMusicMaker70
    SarahMusicMaker70 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Thanks Janer1967
    That would be a great idea I'm just not sure how I'd go about it? It would be fantastic to chose my days and hours if anyone has any advice ? 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    You could advertise on Facebook or local papers , or pur some flyers out 

    But you would need to consider liability insurance , qualifications,  dbs checks 

    The job centre offer advice on setting up your own business 

  • SarahMusicMaker70
    SarahMusicMaker70 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected
    Thanks Janer1967 that's appreciated, I shall certainly look into it ? 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    If you speak to social services about being a pa they will put you in touch with people who need a pa and social services will register you so that you will be on the carers register but I expect you are already on the register as the new rules came in last year 

    Have you done your nvq /qcf  and meds training and your manual handling if they are all up to date you won't need to do them again 

    If you were thinking about staring your own business in care you will need to be qualified up to level 5  a pa is just up to  level 3 or the qcf qualification that is basically 3 in one but then carrys on every year until completed but if you have been in care along time you may already have done all that

    I have worked in care 30years I have up to management level  I know residential care were doing different things compared to care in the community 

    If care in the community is something you would consider they are desperate for carers but it's long hours sometimes and alot of driving you could work part time though and give them the days and times you can work 

    There are lots of options for carers you can also do  bank care for NHS in hospitals there are also care agency's where you pick your own shifts and times and days 

    There is always a job for a carer 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,453 Championing
    edited April 2021
    Hi @SarahMusicMaker70 :) It's great to see that you're considering setting up your own online business. Scope have some information about setting up a business here, which you may find useful. Have you thought about where you might look for potential customers? 

    In addition to the information Lisa has provided above, Simply Business also have a blog on useful tips for becoming a self-employed carer, which may also prove useful if that's what you end up going into. There are lots of things to consider, but it could help you to have more control over your hours.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tori_Scope that was interesting reading its not easy setting up your own care business  is it as it it says it is hard to get service users because there are so many company's  out there  

    @SarahMusicMaker70 hope you find the best way you would like to do it 

    I loved doing care  but my health has deteriorated due to corona virus  I wish you the best of luck