Rare skin disorder - palmer erythma, and maybe scleroderma. Anyone else?

Boyden1964 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Contributor
Hi I have recently been diagnosed with palmer erythema a rare skin disorder I am hoping that there is some one out there with the same rare skin disorder who I can chat with. Also most probably might have scleroderma given my all my other symptoms dry eyes and mouth have raynaud's phenomenon  oesophageal dysmotility rashes painful swollen joints enlarged lymph nodes which all are reactive had lymph node biopsy done last July to rule out non hodgkin's lymphoma  which came back clear of lymphoma but did show  it was due to chronic inflammation but could not find out what was causing it so I am hoping my appointment with dermatologist on the 4th May  will finally give me a diagnosis and a treatment plan.


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,451 Championing
    Hi @Boyden1964 :) Thanks for posting. I don't have the skin disorder myself, but I'm hoping one of our other members will see it and be able to relate. I've added the name of your skin condition to the title of your post to increase the chances of someone else finding it. 

    I hope that your dermatology appointment goes well! Not long to go now. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    I don't have any skin condition but just wanted to wish you luck at your appointment 
  • Boyden1964
    Boyden1964 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Thank you will update on how I got on.
  • Caz_Alumni
    Caz_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 621 Empowering
    Hi @Boyden1964 :)

    Just wanted to say hello and follow up on what you've said in your post above. Sorry to say that I don't have any further information on this either. But I have had psoriasis since I was quite young and I know how difficult it can sometimes be to manage a skin problem and the chronic inflammation that can go alongside of that. I wanted to ask as well, have you managed to find out any more in the meantime? Or have you come across anything that's provided you with some relief whilst you've been waiting to see your dermatologist?

    Anyway, all the best for your appointment next week. Do pop back and let us know how you got on.