Blue badge renewal

ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
edited May 2021 in Transport and travel
My current badge expires next week. I made an application for my renewal in early April. An acknowledgment was received in May. A few days later I was asked for more information regarding my points as the letter I provided was not dated within the last 12 months even though my previous award letter showed my award was until 2028.
I called today and have been told that it could take another 4 weeks. None of this has been my fault and when I called the council today I asked if I can use my badge I was told no and I could be prosecuted for using an expired badge. I have 2 hospital appointments within the next 3 weeks and I’ve been told I can’t use it on the streets either so basically that means I can’t go out and about. I know some would say I can park elsewhere but unfortunately my mobility won’t allow me to walk very far at all. So do I pay the parking penalties or just stay in and cancel my appointments till I get my replacement badge. 


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited May 2021
    woodbine said:
    As far as I know parking at hospitals is still free, maybe you could get there really early and find a good parking space?
    In England most hospitals charge for parking (if you can find any) with limited exceptions.
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    woodbine said:
    As far as I know parking at hospitals is still free, maybe you could get there really early and find a good parking space?
    I don’t think I’ve ever come across a hospital that doesn’t charge. 
  • ash5896
    ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Our hospital charges for disabled parking too I think it might be easier to get a taxi. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    We have car park charging in some hospitals in wales 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Disabled spots are charged at 2 20 as long as you are displaying your badge 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    We have car park charging in some hospitals in wales 
    I thought car parking charges were abolished for NHS hospital in Wales back in 2018. Didn’t know they’d brought them back in.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,715 Championing
    edited May 2021
    @ash5896 Would it be worth calling your hospital in advance to clarify if the disabled parking spots are free?  Failing that, your GP/health-care professional might be able to arrange some non-emergency patient transport to pick you up?  Visit this NHS webpage that outlines how to access transport services/get reimbursed transport costs.  

    Please let us know how you get on.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Not all hospitals charge but some still do which is annoying 
  • ash5896
    ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
    I will call the hospital on Monday but I can’t park in a normal bay as I need the space to get in and out. It might be worth just getting a taxi. I mean I applied in the beginning of April for my renewal and I’ve had a blue badge since 2005 and every renewal the council make it difficult. They want the award letter showing the points and it must be dated within the last 12 months. I’m dreading going to other places and having to park away from disabled bays will be really difficult. You would’ve thought with all the tech that councils could easily verify the award saving this sort of hassle. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    You can always ring DWP and they will issue you a letter confirming your benefit award that you can use for Blue Badge renewal.
  • ash5896
    ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
    It’s just a nightmare. Considering I applied in April for the renewal and my current badge expires on June 6th it was more than enough time I would’ve thought. 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    @bekindalways my statement was in reply to woodbine and not the OP, that’s why I quoted him. 

    Where did I claim that anyone lived in a specific location? 

    I don’t have to pay either actually, don’t make assumptions. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,982 Championing
    Would it be worth displaying your expired badge as normal, perhaps with a short explanation on a piece of paper? If you got a ticket, appeal it; and if it went to court, see them there. I’d think it was very unlikely a court would rule against you and would be very very bad publicity if they did?
  • ash5896
    ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
    I didn’t thank of that but it sounds like a good idea
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    I tried to use an expired badge and still got fined  for not paying 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    ash5896 said:
    I didn’t thank of that but it sounds like a good idea
    Sounds like a very bad idea to me. If you try it, you should expect to get fined as Lisa says.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    My fine was 100.00  because I was displaying an out of date badge  and parked in a disabled spot without a valid blue badge  but it was my own fault the irony was I was going in to  get my blue badge renewed  it was only one day out I thought I would be ok 

  • ash5896
    ash5896 Community member Posts: 150 Empowering
    Yeah this is the thing I applied in April and it’s still not done this is what I’m trying to say it’s taken so long