charlie79 Online Community Member Posts: 305 Empowering
I have read you have to obtain a form an sign it by the 23rd June 2021. If not from the 1st of july all your information and data can be shared with 3rd parties. Is there a link for this form


  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Because your GP is a private company 
    ..and moreover some are now owned by larger groups where ultimate ownership is outside the UK.

  • fluffycat
    fluffycat Online Community Member Posts: 252 Empowering
    If it were totally anonymised (with no back-door cross reference) more would be happy.

    It should be opt-in like with data sharing (though some still have opt-out or mix of two) 

    Even the local surgery is confused (1) mentioned form 1 (by 23/6)  then added later (2) National opt-out 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    I was in my GP surgery yesterday and heard a man come in asking for a form to opt out. 

    I laughed because the receptionist said she had no idea what he was talking about but my surgery have it plastered all over their homepage of their website. 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    Yeah I’ve got mine to hand in too. 
  • LadyL
    LadyL Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    I was a bit worried when I saw this thread as I had no idea about being given the choice of opting out and why some may wish to. :neutral: Anyway, the following information may or not help put peoples' minds at rest:

    "The NHS collects confidential patient information from:

    • all NHS organisations, trusts and local authorities (including GP surgeries)
    • private organisations, such as private hospitals providing NHS funded care

    Research bodies and organisations can request access to this information. This includes:

    • university researchers
    • hospital researchers
    • medical royal colleges
    • pharmaceutical companies researching new treatments

    Who cannot use confidential patient information

    Access to confidential patient information will not be given for:

    • marketing purposes
    • insurance purposes

    (unless you request this)

    How confidential patient information is protected

    Your confidential patient information is looked after in accordance with good practice and the law.

    Every organisation that provides health and care services will take every step to:

    • keep data secure
    • use data that cannot identify you whenever possible
    • use data to benefit health and care
    • not use data for marketing or insurance purposes (unless you request this)
    • make it clear why and how data is being used

    All NHS organisations must provide information on the type of data they collect and how it’s used. Data release registers are published by NHS Digital and Public Health England, showing records of the data they have shared with other organisations."

    Source: https://www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters/where-confidential-patient-information-is-used/

  • muuranker
    muuranker Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    The date for sending in the forms has been put back.  The RNIB is trying to get accessible ways to complete the forms (for those of us who can't see / can't use pens).

    The concerns are set out here https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/jun/06/the-nhs-data-grab-why-we-should-be-concerned-about-plans-for-gps-records and concerns of David Davis (a Conservative MP) https://yorkshirebylines.co.uk/yorkshire-mp-david-davis-opposes-government-plans-for-nhs-data-grab/