whats everyone having for breakfast and lunch?



  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    For breakfast I had a slice of toast with some bacon and a fried egg on top. For lunch I had a ham and cheese toastie with 2 sausages and some ketchup and a cup of coffee 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    For breakfast I had porridge and lunch was cheese and tomatoe toasty 
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    For breakfast I had cornflakes and for lunch I'm having a sausage butty and a cup of coffee 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Bacon breakfast muffin for breakfast and crisps for lunch
  • C_J
    C_J Community member Posts: 715 Empowering
    Cheese on toast for dinner today.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator
    Porridge with golden syrup for brekkie and chicken gyoza for lunch.   (wohoo, I remembered to have breakfast!)
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    Sandy_123 said:
    Bacon breakfast muffin for breakfast and crisps for lunch
    That's not a lot @Sandy_123
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    I had a change of plan today i had pizza instead 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Porridge and fruit 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,916 Online Community Coordinator
    I had crumpets, banana and maple syrup for my breakfast today, lucky me! Got some mushroom risotto leftover for my lunch :)
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator
    Porridge again this morning, I think lunch will be me just snacking on nuts throughout the afternoon. 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Bacon and mushroom muffins for lunch
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    Yesterday I for breakfast I had a breakfast wrap and for a very late lunch I had a McDonald's. Today for breakfast I had toast with a late out of my coffee machine then for lunch I think I'm going to be having a sandwich from M&S
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator
     think it's my favorite Shin-cup noodles for lunch. :)
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Toast for breakfast and mcdees for lunch 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Porridge and fruit
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Sausage sandwhich for lunch 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Porridge fruit and toast
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    For breakfast I had porridge and for lunch I had a wrap 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,976 Championing
    Scrambled egg on toast for breakfast fish n chips for lunch