whats everyone having for breakfast and lunch?



  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing

    nice and healthy well done @Scrumptious67 are you trying to be healthier?

  • Scrumptious67
    Scrumptious67 Community member Posts: 51 Empowering

    @durhamjaide2001 yes I am. I've been living mostly on microwave meals so i'm making small changes to hopefully help my mh as much as physical health. Just bought a slow cooker too so i can get a lot more veggies into me.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    slow cookers are good I skipped lunch

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing

    OMG same my support worker has made me the first meal a couple of weeks ago. Need to ask her to make me something again.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    Snap @Beaver79

  • Scrumptious67
    Scrumptious67 Community member Posts: 51 Empowering

    It's not easy is it but I guess every little change we make helps. Keep it up! :)

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    Skipped lunch

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    Weetabix for breakfast

  • Hammy57
    Hammy57 Community member Posts: 12 Listener

    I had a huge bowl of cocoa pops for breakfast. I lost most of my test following strokes and I can only taste sweet things, which is not good I know but everything taste like cardboard apart from sugar.

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing
    edited June 5

    weetabix for breakfast got a baguette for lunch cheese n tomatoes

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    branflakes for breakfast

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator

    Apple for breakfast, noodles for lunch. I bet you're all shocked at that news. 😄

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing
    edited June 6

    cheese baguette for lunch

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,916 Online Community Coordinator

    I had cereal for breakfast and a hummus and cucumber sandwich for lunch 😊

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    Branflakes for breakfast and a tea cake for lunch

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing

    skipped lunch

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,962 Championing


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,182 Online Community Coordinator

    Apple for breakfast, noodles for lunch. Just to be different. 😆