Back problems

pixel Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi ,I have had back problems for over forty years. In 2020 I was told that if I didn’t have surgery my spine would just get worse and walking would become a problem, so in November of that year I had two discs replaced. My surgeon said all went well and no nerves were damaged. He lied. 3 surgeries later, in one year, nerve damage to my right leg ,foot , I am still in agony.
Rehab the first time was hard but there was hope , the fourth time , it’s tiring and depressing.My muscles are tired, so am I.I have an amazing physio , new surgeon but the chronic pain is coming from atrophied muscles in my back, not from the Eiffel Tower I now have imbedded into me! Pain killers I’ve probably been on them all . I stopped them all because I was permanently out to lunch ! My surgeon reviewed the tablets last week and I am now taking about 11 a day , all names you have mentioned.
They say exercise gets you through but it’s very hard when you’re in pain 24/7.
I would love to know of any nerve pain tablets other than Gabapentina, I’ve been on a high dose for a year and a half, they do nothing !


  • pixel
    pixel Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thanks, yes I Thankyou, yes I am in touch with my local pain clinic. Unfortunately they just up the meds , which change me completely, I’m like a zombie and still I have pain .,
  • pixel
    pixel Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Its now 11 months since my last back surgery. Progress has been slow. I have been swimming a lot and trying to start proper rehab,again and get the old “me” ,back. Physio once a week, medication ,not so much . Obviously the nerve damage to my foot remains the same. Now suddenly I have “chronic “ muscle pain.Back to morphine and everything else. It’s so bad I’m thinking of going to hospital tomorrow to be admitted for even stronger pain medication, although I’m probably better off struggling at home .The only difference is that I’d be on a drip for a while. I am seeing my surgeon on Monday , once again it will be upping the meds and exercise. No normal life for me then, back to zombie mode but too much induced sleep just gives me even more muscle pain. Any one in a similar state . I do have help in my house, I’m lucky she comes twice a week. My husband who had a severe stroke has been amazing, through this whole ‘ 2 year nightmare , he now has his own issues coping with rapidly progressing dementia. The future at this moment does not look too bright, I need to find a solution for the pain To continue a “normal “ life.
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Thanks for the update @pixel, however I am sorry to hear that things aren't too great at the minute. You certainly seem to have supportive people around you which is nice, and hopefully the appointment on Monday goes well.