Struggling with the PIP process. Anyone else refused for mental health reasons?

torijayne Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
edited September 2021 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
PIP, the whole process from start to finish seems so odd, such a unfair process. 
I have put off applying for PIP for sometime but my condition has recently crippled me mentally & physically so hey ho I decided to apply. I applied in early may and received my decision today, which was zero points for both components!!! 
It has left me so upset, and have little faith in the whole PIP process. 
I understand lots of people are struggling and I’m very interested in hearing on other people’s stories on PIP.

I have suffered with DEPRESSION & anxiety for years having good times and very bad times. I’ve always took medication for these illnesses on and off, knowing full well now I will never be without them in my life. I also suffer from osteoarthritis throughout my body which is very painful in my joints. I get very restless legs and arms due to this and I’m being investigated for rheumatoid & fibromyalgia.
The wait on PIP alone was so stressful and I’d heated many stories on PIP that it is very hard to get. 
I didn’t want that feeling of total deflation and the feeling of why am I not acceptable for it. 
My last resort was to apply, I’d worked throughout my life on and off, and lived earning m. But unfortunately life events unexpected times had forced me to stop work. I couldn’t cope in social situations anymore, anxiety through the roof. 
It was crucifying, not taking care of myself physically and emotionally. 
I’m currently not in work having successfully after my assessment being put on LCWRA 
on universal credit.
im just curious now to see how many people are being refused for MENTAL HEALTH reasons I suppose. As I thought the DWP were taking mental health seriously ? 
They don’t understand that mental health is so serious. People can’t function properly when having a bad episode 
work life goes under
getting out of bed is a full on task in its self when you feel so low. How do we make the PIP a more fairer process because as it stands now does not seem right or fair at all.

I will not give up on this as I’ve heard that’s what they hope you will do. 

I’ve paid my dues and I think I’m entitled to get help 

many thanks ? 


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Hi @torijayne - & welcome to this online community. :) I'm sorry your PIP decision letter wasn't what you'd hoped. People are not refused PIP due to having mental health problems, nor do the DWP hope people will give up on their PIP claims.
    Unfortunately we usually hear from people when they have not had the awards they expected, tho it's great when a member comes back to say they were later successful. The problem with PIP seems to be that people sometimes don't understand the activities/descriptors that are looked at with PIP. Also a couple of detailed examples are needed for each applicable descriptor, e.g. when did you have difficulty, why, what exactly happened, & was anyone with you; how did it leave you feeling afterwards?
    You also need to say if you can do an activity reliably, i.e. safely, to an acceptable standard, can you repeat it as often as it would be reasonable to expect, & does it take you longer than a person that hasn't got a disability?
    It seems you are going to do a Mandatory Reconsideration, so if you didn't give those important real life examples as above in your claim form, try to do that now. Looking at the following link which helps people with mental health problems complete a PIP claim may be useful to see the sort of things that can be included. Please see:
    Let us know how you get on, please, & come back with any questions.
  • torijayne
    torijayne Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    hi hi and Thankyou for your response.
    When filing in the form I did have help from someone at the benefits office 
    on how to explain properly on how my disability affects my day-to-day life. 
    So I really did think I answered the questions properly. 
    It just seems like you have to have a masterclass in how to word the form. Which just seems bizarre. 
    I mean honestly how are people expected to get awarded when for intstance you my put something in a way you didn’t realise therefore no points are awarded it’s just absurd. 
    I understand obviously there are certain people who do get the award but it just so hard and demeaning when you get refused after waiting such a long time without the help I’m very much entitled to. 
  • torijayne
    torijayne Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    5 months I have waited, yes COVID has put a long wait on things but now I have to go through the whole process of asking for a reconsideration and probably an appeal to the court 
    I sent all my evidence of medication 
    doctors letters
    and still zero points 
    I mean what do you have to prove to these people that your not well, your not fit for work, and struggling to make ends meet. 
    No wonder people feel so lost and fight with the system that is ours. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,166 Championing

    There's no specific wording you need to use at all. What you need to do is give a couple of real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. One A4 sheet of paper for each descriptor should be enough.

    Lots of people claim PIP successfully with mental health. Naturally on any forum you will mostly only read the bad stories because if someones had a decision they're happyh with we don't hear their story because they have no questions to ask. It really depends on exactly how your conditions affect you against the PIP descriptors. Unfortunately, being awarded LCWRA doesn't mean you're automatically entitled to PIP.

    Medical evidence is only really helpful if it states exactly how your conditions affect you and most evidence doesn't state this. The best evidence you can send is your own detailed examples.

    MR timescales can be anything up to 3 months, sometimes longer. There's a 50% chance of the decision changing at this stage but that is decreasing slowly. There's a better chance at Tribunal and even more chance if you have representation.

  • torijayne
    torijayne Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener
    I suppose I just thought I did explain how my disability effects me 
    obviously not enough. 
    I will be making a MR with the help of the benefit advisor 
    and hopefully I get a good result 
    I will be back to share