Report from an expert assessor consultant/Hospital supporting Blue Badge application

kaza1 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited October 2021 in Transport and travel
Hi, I was wondering if someone direct me. I have created a new application for the blue badge. I received an email from my council asking for a report by an expert assesor to support my application.

Under the new guidance, a GP cannot fulfill the role of ‘expert assessor’.  I used to go to Barts Hospital in London for check ups but it was always referrals from my GP and I do not have direct access to the hospital but I do not have a specific doctor at the hospital.

Has anyone been through this new process I'm not sure where to go to find an expert assessor.  Usually I'd go to my GP but since they cannot do it anymore. Can someone give me some guidance?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I would have thought that any supporting evidence to show why you need the BB would be fine. For those that don't automatically qualify they would usually need an assessment anyway. To be fair, not everyone has a report by an "expert assessor"
  • kaza1
    kaza1 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    They haven't mentioned anything about an assesment. I don't know if it will come after or whether a letter from a doctor or other certified person would be enough. GP would usually be my go to but not sure where to go now
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I must admt they are being a little ridiculous in asking for something so specific like this. If you don't have this sort of evidence then how can you send it. If it was me then i'd send what you have and explain that you don't have and can't get what they ask for.
  • Reg
    Reg Online Community Member Posts: 109 Empowering
    I recently got a blue badge after years of not applying because of the assessment process. It is years since I saw a neurologist at a hospital and now 2 plus years since I saw a GP. The neuro physio I am seeing at my local hospital said she would do a letter in support or refer me to occupational therapy to get a letter . In the end I needed neither as my local authority did not ask for medical evidence or an assessment even though I am not on a passporting benefit . I do not know if you are seeing a physio or similar or have copies of old consultant reports ? I was planning on using a detailed consultant report from 20 plus years ago plus the physio letter but thankfully neither was needed. Seems a bit of a post code lottery between local authorities.