M/R told im getting enhanced now saying im not ?

natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
Hi so i had a m/r call on monday and im pritty sure at the end of it he said ive changed you to enhanced for your daily living it will take me a few days to write it all up ect then u should recive a letter so today to double check i rang dwp they said i cant see anything so i assume ur claim is staying the same can this be right or is dwp lady wrong today and its just not been updated yet on the system ?? So confussed 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    Once a decision's been made it takes 24 hours to see it on the computer. The decision may not have been made. You are only "pretty sure" that's what you were told and nothing is final until that decision's made. Once it has you will be sent the decision letter and if you're not happy it's Tribunal stage next.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Ty yeah im sure at the end he said he has put it to enhanced it will take him a few days to wrewrite my award i just dont get it n if its kept the same ill just leave it i could bearly get through the phone call the thought of going to tribunal just floors me i cant do that x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited October 2021
    natz2009 said:
    ...they said i cant see anything so i assume ur claim is staying the same..
    If they can't see the MR decision then they don't know what it is and assuming it has not changed is complete nonsense. Even if it stayed the same there would still be an MR decision to see. In other words the person you spoke to today doesn't know the outcome and you should pay no attention to what they said - you need to wait for the letter.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thank you just a bit worried now n donno what to expect i will wait on the letter and will update as soon as i recive one xx
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Still no letter from last monday i dont know if this is a gd thing or a bad thing x
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    natz2009 said:
    Still no letter from last monday i dont know if this is a gd thing or a bad thing x
    Neither - just means the letter hasn't arrived.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    So got my letter today standard daily living enhanced mobility so not change after m/r 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    If you think you can score more points for Enhanced daily living then it's Tribunal. Before doing this i'd advise you to get some expert advice to make 100% sure you can score the points required for Enhanced daily living. Start here https://advicelocal.uk/

  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    I wont do tribunal also says ongoing period but will be reviewd december 2022 can anyone advise what tbis means thanks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    Ongoing usually means 10 years but review in December 2022 isn't ongoing as such. Are you sure review is December 2022? because that's only 14 months time. Although you can be reviewed at anytime, it still makes no sense.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Yes as i was origanally awarded from feb 2021 and review dec 2022 but ongoing award after m/r my origonal date was dec 2023 eend date
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    This means that your award length was shorter before the MR. They've now increased that length of award to ongoing, whch is the maximum length of 10 years but as advised, they can still review your award at anytime.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Ok thank you it dose say rivew dec 2022 is this an assesment again dose anyone know 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    A review should always be treated as a new claim and yes, people mostly have assessments for those.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    Ok thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    It seems like you're confused by the original decision letter telling you your award end date of Decemeber 2023. (review from Dec 2022) You then said it was changed to "ongoing" so please check the MR decision letter to see exactly what it says because an ongoing award is usually 10 years.
  • natz2009
    natz2009 Community member Posts: 76 Connected
    It says on both elements you can get this from feb 2021 for an ongoing period then a few paragraphs down it says we will conta t you while you are getting pip to see if your needs have changed and to look at the amount you get this will be after dec 2022 thats word for word in  the letter thanks
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    natz2009 said:
    It says on both elements you can get this from feb 2021 for an ongoing period then a few paragraphs down it says we will conta t you while you are getting pip to see if your needs have changed and to look at the amount you get this will be after dec 2022 thats word for word in  the letter thanks
    That is a bit bizarre and it may be worth contacting DWP to query it.
  • DuffersMum
    DuffersMum Community member Posts: 196 Empowering
    I think I’d contact them about that date..my letter said ongoing award with a review no earlier than 2031 unless my circumstances change 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,692 Championing
    calcotti said:
    natz2009 said:
    It says on both elements you can get this from feb 2021 for an ongoing period then a few paragraphs down it says we will conta t you while you are getting pip to see if your needs have changed and to look at the amount you get this will be after dec 2022 thats word for word in  the letter thanks
    That is a bit bizarre and it may be worth contacting DWP to query it.
    Yes, my thoughts exactly.