Is this a disability hate crime?

rethgil Community member Posts: 4 Listener
Is this a disability hate crime? The management company responsible for the upkeep of the block of flats I rent a home in, responded to my complaint about noise from a neighbor with all kinds of wild claims 'made by the owner of the neighbor's home' (although I strongly suspect they are making up these claims themselves and havent even communicated with the owner). The reason I post here is this; I have CPTSD, am registered disabled, and due to social anxiety symptoms, (and Covid fears), dont often leave the property.The building management company dont know that I am disabled, nor that I rarely leave-but among the wild claims they responded with, one stood out where they stated, in an email that "he (me) makes all kinds of noise himself and also never leaves the property". I find this offensive. They arent using this kind of language or claim in a neutral way-the context is clearly that they are associating not often leaving the home as being something negative, something to be suspicious of, something objectionable. And social anxiety and therefore staying in a lot is a common symptom of CPTSD. So I would like to know what others think-is this a hate crime? Or if not quite a hate crime, do you think it grounds for at least warning them about such claims and language? Even though they could claim they were only repeating what someone else had said (as I say, I think they made this all up themselves though), one would not repeat something someone else had said if they had for instance used racist language-so I dont think it an excuse for them to claim they 'simply repeated what someone else had said'-they CHOSE to include that specific statement in a list of other claims that were all clearly intended as negative behaviours and traits. 


  • rethgil
    rethgil Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    and for the record, no, I dont make lots of noise as they claimed...(!)