Housing banding criteria for medical issues

Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
Hi all, I've requested a council housing banding review of my current status which is the lowest, I've got some medical issues namely cancer & a brain tumour which is being affected by my current accommodation.
I'm living in a private rented flat & have been here for several years, the flat is poorly insulated (it's a converted 200 year old house) the ceiling is over 10 foot high, my cancer makes me feel the cold a lot more & I've struggled through the last two winters here.
I asked for a review of my banding several months ago & gave them my medical reasons for this but they wasn't really interested they told me to contact energy charities & declined my appeal.
I recently filed a complaint as they didn't do anything or even view the property, the complaint was upheld & I had an inspection Friday, I'm awaiting evidence from my gp for them before they can make a decision.
I'm just wondering if anyone with expert knowledge on here can tell me what my chances are of them considering me for a higher banding allocation, thanks 👍 


  • TheAlien
    TheAlien Online Community Member Posts: 228 Empowering
    I'm not an expert but do know a little about the bandings etc.  There's quite a list that determines your banding and it's not only medical.

    Are you local to the area?  If yes, this should move you up a band.
    Are you under threat of eviction or homeless?  If yes, you should get priority 
    Is your home in a bad state of repair? If yes, again you may be in a higher band, but it would depend on the severity of the condition of the property.
    Is your home overcrowded?  Your banding for this would depend on if you deliberately allowed your home to become overcrowded.
    Medical issues.  This usually applies if your home is not suitable for your medical needs ie its an upper floor and you can't manage stairs, or your current home can't be adapted for your needs.
    The list goes on, and certain situations are quite rightly jumped to the top of the queue.

    You also need to realise that even if they move you to the highest band there's no guarantee that a suitable property will be available straight away.  There is a chronic shortage of social housing at the moment, and its getting worse.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Hi thanks for your reply, I do know everything you mention I've looked into it extensivly & the criteria for each band, I'm local but that hasn't affected it in the slightest
    Im also very aware that it's on a priority order & I may not get somewhere that's not what I'm asking 


  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @Losingallhope

    Thanks for making this post, and sorry to hear of what you are going through. 

    Just to clarify, have you asked about whether it is possible to make improvements to where you are currently living to make it more suitable for you? For example improving the insulation of the property.
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Hi Ross, I'm not asking about this property it's inadequate to my needs I've done everything I can to this place, the kitchen and bathroom are a built on old extention with no wall insulation as they are solid stone construction, I have to wear a coat in the winter to have a shave!
    I've had government funded heating installed (night storage) but due to the roof being so high its not enough. This place is no good. Hence why I'm trying to get my banding put up for my medical needs 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    I see, thanks for that @Losingallhope, it really does sound as though your current place isn't suitable at all. Hopefully the evidence from your GP arrives soon, is it a supporting letter that they are writing for you?
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Thanks Ross, yes it's not suitable anymore, I put up with it before I became ill but now it's jut not nice being here in the I winter & affects my mental health as well 👍
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I'm not sure if the inspection you say you had is the same as what is known as a care needs assessment 

    You can self refer for this on gov website and a social services ot will come and do an assessment and recommend any aids adaptions or if the accommodation is unsuitable 

    They then forward this report if needed to council housing which then can impact your banding 

    I went through this when I became disabled and even though I was in the highest band as I have a child and was about to become homeless it took a year for me to get suitable accommodation

    There is massive shortage of social housing 

    Would it be possible for you to find alternative private rent I know this isn't easy either 
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Hi thanks for this info it's really helpful I will follow it up today, I did have a social worker try to help me last year but she seemed limited to what she could do. They never mentioned this care needs assessment & no the council visit was purely to assess the property & condition I think.
    I cant find anywhere else privately I'm also aware of the huge shortage of accommodation, renting where I live in Worcester is very expensive I'm in a catch 22 I've been trying to get out of this flat for a long time 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I would suggest then that you refer yourself for the care needs assessment 

    It will be a occupational therapist that does the assessment.  There maybe a long waiting list 

    But this is the best way to get moved up banding if they assess you need yo move on medical grounds 
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Ok thanks, I will be speaking to my social worker next week & speak to them about this too 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Just can just refer yourself for the needs assessment here https://www.gov.uk/apply-needs-assessment-social-services
    Rather than wait to speak to your Social Worker who may not be able to help you with that. It's often quicker if you refer yourself.

  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    Hi poppy, I've checked that website it links to a council website page that's not relevant so I need to speak to them for some help with it, they work for the council so may be able to signpost me for further support with it if they can't 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    That’s exactly where it should link to because you apply through your local Authority (council)
  • Losingallhope
    Losingallhope Online Community Member Posts: 49 Connected
    I understand that but the page it links to is not correct & not the application page 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    I understand that but the page it links to is not correct & not the application page 
    Do you mean after you've entered your postcode into the Gov.uk search tool? If so, on the page it links to there will either normally be an application form (which you say there isn't I acknowledge) or contact details for the relevant department at your local authority so that you can refer yourself over the phone.

    There isn't always an online application form, in my experience. Sometimes you are required to make a call or send an email.