Issues with mental health assessment

Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
edited March 2022 in Everyday life

Over the last 8/10 years I have been seen by my local mental health team, I have been assessed a few times, all ways received different diagnosis, every time I went I would see a different nurse/consultant, no care plan was ever put in place, I would have the assessment then be sent back to my GP with no help. 

I was even banned from my local mental health team where they refused to help me, I was even banned from calling up the crisis team. I never got told why.

I got diagnosed with Autism a few years ago after I asked my doctor to refer me for an assessment. 

I have really been struggling with my mental health for the last few years, went to my doctors and they did nothing to help. 

I went to my doctors on Tuesday 1st March, I spoke to my doctor and he agreed to refer me for a new mental health assessment, I said I was concerned about the people at the mental health team who have seen me previously and if they would be seeing me again, due to how poorly they have treated me, we have had arguments previously, I said to my doctor that i felt a fresh assessment would be best. My doctor agreed. He rang the mental health team and referred me. Later the day I received a call from one of the nurses at the mental health team, it was a short call as I just hung up, she explained how it would be her or another nurse doing the assessment, both who I have seen before. She said it was down to my previous conduct, I tried to explain why I wanted a fresh assessment, she wouldn't even let me explain why, so I simply hung up. I did ring my doctor back, but I am still waiting to speak to him. 

On Saturday I received a letter from the mental health team nurse. I have edited the names and personal info out. 

"I am writing to you to offer you an opportunity to engage with Primary Care liaison your (Dr Name) contacted me on the 1st March 2022, and expressed concern regarding your mental state and potential risk to self. We had a very brief contact on the 1st Match, but you clearly stated that you were not willing to speak to myself or (name of second nurse) and wanted to speak to another clinician in the PCLs team. I explained to you that I believed it was not in your best interest to speak to other clinicians, myself and (name of second nurse) are very familiar with your case and know your history well. 

I am sorry that you feel I am "treating you unfairly" by ensuring that you only have contact with myself or (name of second nurse) however this decision has been made with the support of the senior management team in (name of town)

Myself and (name of second nurse) would be more than happy to offer you an assessment with our service. If you decide that you would like to engage with us, then please contact PCLs and I will arrange a suitable date and time"

When I was on the phone to the nurse she said something different about why she was blocking me from seeing anybody else, she said she wanted to control who I see because of previous issues I had, not the reason she claimed, the reason she wrote in the letter sounds a lot more professional than what she said to me on the phone. 

I am stuck on what I should do, I have not asked for mental health support from the NHS/local mental health team for about 2 years because they are so bad, I asked for help a week ago and wished I never bothered, I have been so stressed since Tuesday all because of this and the contact they had with me. 

Do I have any options on challenging this? 

How can somebody who I have not spoken to in two years tell me whats in my best interest? 

The only things I can think of is - speaking to my doctor again, speaking to the senior managers or making a complaint. 

I simply want for my feelings to be taken seriously, I want to be listened to and helped. 

Is that too much to ask for? 

Thanks James 


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    Do you know what the issue was with your conduct? 

    Tbh the mental health services are so stretched that it may not be possible to offer alternative nurse . If they have concerns about you then they most likely want someone experienced who knows something about your case and best wag to handle it going forward 

    If you have specific complaint you can pursue this.  See what your gp advises as best next step 
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    janer1967 said:
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    Do you know what the issue was with your conduct? 

    Tbh the mental health services are so stretched that it may not be possible to offer alternative nurse . If they have concerns about you then they most likely want someone experienced who knows something about your case and best wag to handle it going forward 

    If you have specific complaint you can pursue this.  See what your gp advises as best next step 
    Nope, never been told. I think its because I was asking for help previously and they didnt want to help me. 

    So the two people I have been told I can see are managers of the nursing team, so they don't normally do assessments, so I being treated differently then if I was a new patient which is very unfair. 

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I would try and find out what they mean then about your conduct and reasons why you was banned from the service 

    Maybe your gp can find out it's not usual to be banned 

    It may be that the managers are doing the assessment due to staff shortages or because they think due to past record somebody more senior needs to manage your case 

    If you need help then I would try and have the assessment and see how it goes.  Could anyone support you and be with you 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @Jamesd49 thanks for reaching out here on the forum. As jane has mentioned, I think it would be a good idea to speak to your GP about how you're feeling, and any concerns about the support you've been offered and see if you can find a solution you're happy with.

    It's likely the nurse you spoke to on the phone wasn't actively trying to block you from seeing anyone, or controlling who you see in a negative way, but rather working to make sure you see people who can support you in the best way. If they've worked with you before this can help with understanding your needs. 

    It think it's also fair to say that mental health services are incredibly stretched at the moment, and the offer of support is there if you feel you need it.

    If there's anything you feel we can help further with, please do say.

  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    janer1967 said:
    I would try and find out what they mean then about your conduct and reasons why you was banned from the service 

    Maybe your gp can find out it's not usual to be banned 

    It may be that the managers are doing the assessment due to staff shortages or because they think due to past record somebody more senior needs to manage your case 

    If you need help then I would try and have the assessment and see how it goes.  Could anyone support you and be with you 
    Thanks for the help, not sure I agree with what you say, but thanks 
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    Hello @Jamesd49 thanks for reaching out here on the forum. As jane has mentioned, I think it would be a good idea to speak to your GP about how you're feeling, and any concerns about the support you've been offered and see if you can find a solution you're happy with.

    It's likely the nurse you spoke to on the phone wasn't actively trying to block you from seeing anyone, or controlling who you see in a negative way, but rather working to make sure you see people who can support you in the best way. If they've worked with you before this can help with understanding your needs. 

    It think it's also fair to say that mental health services are incredibly stretched at the moment, and the offer of support is there if you feel you need it.

    If there's anything you feel we can help further with, please do say.

    @Alex_Scope thanks for the reply

    When i spoke to her, I asked why it could only be only the two nurses I seen before and she said she was controlling who I see, but then in the letter she wrote something else. 

    While I get your points, but if the assessments have gone badly in the previously and I don't feel comfortable seeing these people then surly that should be looked at as well?

    As I said I spoke to her for less than two minutes on the phone and I had to hang up as I got so annoyed and frustrated. 

    So the only fair thing to do is to try and assessment with somebody else as it may be a better fit and they may understand me better. 

    It would be a waste of my time and their time to do the assessment with somebody I have done it with before. 

    Well there is help I need but so far nobody has offered me any advice about where I stand and what rights I have, at the end of the day its my mental health issues, so surly my needs and feelings should be taken into account. A mental health partnership shouldn't be forcing me too see somebody who is going to mental health worse, which is what they are doing


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi @Jamesd49

    While I get your points, but if the assessments have gone badly in the previously and I don't feel comfortable seeing these people then surly that should be looked at as well?
    Of course it should, and I'd definitely encourage you to raise it with your GP. Thank you for being so understanding of both myself and jane today, I appreciate it. Being open minded is a really positive thing.

    And I can understand your feelings too, I do hope you can get the support that you'd be happy with, and that you can resolve this in a way which doesn't impact further on your mental health. 

    Do let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If you want to know your rights I suggest you speak to an advice centre local to you or cab 

    You could also make a complaint to the mental health service have a look on your teams website or look for contact details on the letter you have to see if you can find out their complaints procedure 

    I'm sorry if I'm not being helpful I am trying my best so I won't comment further bur wish you well and hope you get resolution 
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    edited March 2022
    Hi @Jamesd49

    While I get your points, but if the assessments have gone badly in the previously and I don't feel comfortable seeing these people then surly that should be looked at as well?
    Of course it should, and I'd definitely encourage you to raise it with your GP. Thank you for being so understanding of both myself and jane today, I appreciate it. Being open minded is a really positive thing.

    And I can understand your feelings too, I do hope you can get the support that you'd be happy with, and that you can resolve this in a way which doesn't impact further on your mental health. 

    Do let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

    Hi @Alex_Scope

    [removed by moderator]

    Is there anybody who can help me on Scope? 

  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hello @Jamesd49 I do apologise, that certainly wasn't my intention at all, and I'm quite sure it wasn't jane's either. We can only advise based on our own perspectives, and because we're human, we might not always get it quite right.

    In terms of help and support, you might like to take a look at Mind's information on complaining about health and social care, which explains what you can do if you experience a problem with the health or social care you receive or think you should have received.

    You can also give the Scope Helpline a call if you'd like to talk through your query with someone directly, it's open today from 9am-6pm.

    I would encourage you to keep taking part in the community, as hopefully other members here can also share their experiences and thoughts with you.

    I hope the above is useful for you, and do keep us updated with how you get on with talking to your GP about your concerns.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    edited March 2022
    @Jamesd49 [removed by moderator]
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Gobsmacked at the moderation 
  • leeCal
    leeCal Online Community Member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Could PALS help at all?
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    Some comments have been edited by a moderator in line with our policy of Keep It Friendly. It's good to be mindful of the language we use and how that might make someone feel, especially during a difficult time. Please see our community house rules for more details on this. 
    @Libby_Scope my comments never broke any policy, please explain yourself. Shocking moderation, 

  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    janer1967 said:
    Gobsmacked at the moderation 
    Now you might see the frustrations I have on the subject. 

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @MarkM88 I have always got your frustration just first time I have disagreed with my own personal moderation 
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected
    Some comments have been edited by a moderator in line with our policy of Keep It Friendly. It's good to be mindful of the language we use and how that might make someone feel, especially during a difficult time. Please see our community house rules for more details on this. 
    @Libby_Scope @Alex_Scope  my comments never broke any policy, please explain yourself. Shocking moderation, 
  • Jamesd49
    Jamesd49 Posts: 132 Connected

    Hi @Jamesd49

    I just wanted to reassure you, that you aren't in trouble at all, so there's no need to worry. We just wanted to issue a friendly reminder on this thread, to ensure that posts remain respectful of other users' views and opinions, even if you don't agree with them yourself. It's good to be mindful of the language we use and how that might make someone feel, especially during a difficult time. 

    I’m aware that @Ross_Scope emailed you yesterday and explained our reasons for moderation, so if you would like to discuss this further, then you can contact us via email, and we would be happy to chat to you. Our email address is:


    @Libby_Scope Why would I think I am in trouble in when you are the one in the wrong. Still waiting for an explanation, I have asked you twice.  

    I don't use my emails at the moment, so I have not seen it. 

    @Ross_Scope why is it acceptable for @Libby_Scope to edit posts when there is no need to do it.  

    Still waiting for help for my original issue...... 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Jamesd49 said:

    Hi @Jamesd49

    I just wanted to reassure you, that you aren't in trouble at all, so there's no need to worry. We just wanted to issue a friendly reminder on this thread, to ensure that posts remain respectful of other users' views and opinions, even if you don't agree with them yourself. It's good to be mindful of the language we use and how that might make someone feel, especially during a difficult time. 

    I’m aware that @Ross_Scope emailed you yesterday and explained our reasons for moderation, so if you would like to discuss this further, then you can contact us via email, and we would be happy to chat to you. Our email address is:


    Still waiting for help for my original issue...... 
    I think members here have tried their best to advise you but everything they’ve suggested doesn’t seem right for you. 
    I agree with others that you should speak to your GP and maybe they can help you. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @Jamesd49
    We couldn't comment on why the team at your local mental health team have decided you can only see those two particular members of staff and, without knowing which area you are in, it is difficult to advise on alternative options for you.

    However, have you heard of 'right to choose' before? 
    This NHS page about making choice work in mental health has some information about it. It may be that there's an different provider in your area you can access, including some private clinics. Rethink also has some more information that might be useful to you.
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