Morning @Nicetomeetyou22 i'm glad you got to the bottom of why you felt so ill.
Hope the brother in law took the hint last night and done one ha ha.
You were not lazy getting pizza delivered for the kids i don't blame you it would of been a night mare for you cooking with how you felt.
I hope you have a better day today all round. xxx0 -
@sueheath I had to pay for his brothers tea b4 he left once again something I could of done without well I have had 1 hours sleep all night got thee worst migraine ever been crying half night plus had to get 5vof my kids sorted for school etc alone as my hubby takes our eldest daughter to school its half hour walk there and bk then takes other kids to school which is 15 min walk there and bk my hubby walked to garage at 6am this morning for painkillers for me but they not worked hope you ok today xxxx0
Bless you @Nicetomeetyou22 try drinking a good pint of water darling you could be dehydrated after yesterday bab.
Lets hope today is a better day for you xxx0 -
@SueHeath I drunk pint water this morning and 2 cuppas my housework is done hubby's doing the kitchen I'm having another cuppa my heads banging I don't know why I tx his brother saying not to come today as I can't be bothered with him nasty yes but idc he's got his own bungalow idk why council gave him a bungalow he's only 25 and has no health needs it baffles me tbh xxx0
Glad he's not coming today your not being nasty at all @Nicetomeetyou22 hope you feel better soon xxx1
@sueheath thanks he's txting me his brother I mean saying he's bored hinting to come over I have said no I'm washed in clean pj's pottering about I feel nasty by saying no but it's life I hope you have nice day sending hugs love from my house to yours xxx0
Hi @Nicetomeetyou22 Hope you've had a good day darling - doing what you want to do and NO un welcome visitors.????????
Had to sort a few things out with the home for hubby's Dad - All his clothes and cosmetics have gone missing already - not a good start huh !!!
On a good note been to the hair dressers and had my hair cut.
Big hug from our house to yours xx0 -
Loving the new thread/post you made @Nicetomeetyou22 xx1
Morning @sueheath I had good day yesterday thanks and Father in laws things going missing that's not good at all! I have had good nights sleep about 9. 30pm till 4am lol my kids are away to school my partner is on a well being course at 10am so I have a couple hrs free time by myself lol and no his brother didn't come yesterday thank god and he best not turn up today lol well I hope yous are all OK today and you enjoy shopping I'm booking my ticket for dreamboys in Sept lol sending hugs love to all of you from my house to yours xxx0
Hi @Nicetomeetyou22 really glad you had a good night and day yesterday - hope you managed to have your own space this morning darling and no unwanted visitors so far today.
Yep early start with shopping we were both up and ready early creamed crackered now ha ha - mmmmmm Dream Boys thats something really good to look forward to. xx0 -
@sueheath yes was having a good day till partner just told me his brother is coming over well I'm not feeding him or giving him his busfare home just as I thought I was gonna have peaceful day I hope you enjoyed shopping and yes cant wait for dreamboys lol I hope yous are all OK darling xxx0
All's good in my part of the world @Nicetomeetyou22 shame your partner can't go to his brothers place so you can have space, hope he doesn't out stay his welcome again - if he does you got to tell him bab - it's your house as well partners xxx1
We should organise a girls trip to see dream boys2
@SueHeath my partner won't go to his brothers as he's worried about my health plus his brother lives in a dump of village plus my partner does the school runs with me having anxiety/social anxiety I'm telling his brother to go at 6pm so me and kids can chill @janer1967 the dreamboys are amazing xxx0
I have seen them b4 ended up on stage rubbing baby oil onto one of them lol1
@janer1967 I was 8 rows bk when I saw them last time but I'm going to be in row 2 this time haha 1 of the dreamboys is my sister in laws personal trainer haha0