Gambiling loss due to mental health

robbie9617 Community member Posts: 25 Connected
around the end of november/december i was manic and severly unable to process my thoughts or my feelings, at the time, i want to claim my money back please as feel i unfairly lost my money due to my manic episode and was suffering from a psychotic breakdown due to the news i was given about my dog which triggered things for me and made my mental state unbearable and my only way to fix this was to try to get the funds to pay for my dogs surgery which was estimated over 5,000 nothing else mattered, and i was feeling a sense of relief when i thought i could win the money to pay for his surgery, i researched ways of making fast cash, was going to resort to stealing but i learned that gambling might be a quick way and i was watching videos of people winning big money and believed that i could win to pay for the surgery for my dog and his recovery.

i have messaged the places i gambled my money and lost and they are asking for 

(In order for us to review your case further, we requested that you kindly provide us with any evidence you have relating to your capacity to manage your affairs while your account was open.

 form of documents such as a copy of a Mental Capacity Assessment, the granting of a temporary Power of Attorney over your affairs, or evidence of the appointment of a legal deputy by the Court of Protection.)

im really confused and finding it hard to understand these questions and don't know who to turn to at the minute as i am finding it difficult to manage since i no longer in care with a mental health team

could someone please explain to me what these mean? and does anyone know who i can get some help from with this please?


  • robbie9617
    robbie9617 Community member Posts: 25 Connected
    PDSA refused help and have a lot of evidence to back me up during the time frame i was experiencing my psychotic breakdown,  please can someone direct me to a place that would help me and help to speak on my behalf?
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @robbie9617

    Welcome to the community and thank you for telling us about what you have been through, it sounds as though it's been a really challenging time and I'm sorry to hear that. You've done the right ting in asking for help.

    Firstly, regarding your mental health, how come you are no longer under the care of the MH team? Do you receive any kind of support to manage your mental health such as from your GP? Do remember that you can call Samaritans any time on 116 123 (you do not need to be in a crisis to call them) and the mental health charity Mind have a lot of useful resources you can access any time.

    You said you are finding things difficult to manage at the moment, do you have any friends or other loved ones who you can speak to for support? Is there anybody with you to provide support through this current situation? Mind have a page about what you can do to help yourself cope right now, and I would recommend taking a look to see if any of the coping techniques would work for you alongside any that you already put in place.

    Regarding this:

    (In order for us to review your case further, we requested that you kindly provide us with any evidence you have relating to your capacity to manage your affairs while your account was open.

     form of documents such as a copy of a Mental Capacity Assessment, the granting of a temporary Power of Attorney over your affairs, or evidence of the appointment of a legal deputy by the Court of Protection.)

    This refers to any documentation you may have that could explain your mental state at the time of gambling the money, and why your mental health may have contributed towards you making the decision to spend the money. If you have none of the documents mentioned perhaps it could be worth getting back in touch with them to request whether any other form of evidence would suffice? For example, perhaps a letter from a GP or mental health worker.

    A couple of organisations you could consider contacting for support:
    I hope you enjoy taking part in the community, this is a very supportive and welcoming place :) 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    I'm aorry for qhat you have been through 

    The power of attorney and deputy ship are legal documents that state your incapacity to make your own decisions and we need medical evidence to obtain 

    The process to obtain these can be quite long and very expensive as you will need a solicitor 

    Also if they were not I  place at the time of the gambling would probably be no help anyway 

    Unfortunately I think you need some expert legal advice which could cost more than the money you have already lost 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,580 Championing
    Hi there, did your dog get his surgery? If your on certain benefits you can qualify for help from pdsa, where you pay a donation towards your pets care. I think others like blue Cross too. 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @robbie9617

    I just wanted to follow up on this thread to see how you are as we haven't heard back from you? I hope you were able to enjoy the bank holiday weekend.
  • Jo_2022
    Jo_2022 Community member Posts: 295 Empowering
    Hi @robbie9617! :) Thank you for sharing your situation. A warm welcome to you on the community! How is your dog now? I hope your dog is ok? Please remember we are here to listen anytime you need, and don't hesitate to reach out for help. Take care and stay safe